Chapter 343

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Shirou had Altrouge carry the unconscious Gray back to the room while he led the team to the warehouse where the angel statue was located.

If this battle was a replica of the Fourth Holy Grail War, then it was certain that the final enemy would be none other than Artoria Pendragon.

More than 1,500 years ago, she had been his most loyal knight. However, what stood before them now was just an empty shell devoid of self-awareness, so there was no need to hold back. However, after they arrived at the warehouse and thoroughly searched it, Lorelei shook her head and said, "Your Majesty, there's no Mirror World here."

"None?" Shirou furrowed his brows and then glanced at Waver, Luvia, and the other magi in turn.

Yet, each of these magi also shook their heads, confirming Lorelei's answer.

No Mirror World to be found here!

But that couldn't be right. When he was in his Eternal King state, he clearly saw the presence of the Mirror World in this very place.

After contemplating for a moment, he dismissed the others and made his way alone towards his room.

After the others had been dismissed, Waver approached Lorelei and said, "Please wait, Lord Barthomeloi."

Lorelei remained silent, simply turning her head to give Waver a cold gaze, "What's the matter, El-Melloi II?"

She didn't judge people based on their character but rather their value and abilities. Despite Waver's shortcomings in some areas, she held a particular appreciation for his theoretical knowledge.

Waver continued, "Lord Barthomeloi, your skills have reached their peak in all aspects, and I believe the same applies to Astromancy. I would like to request your assistance in creating a simulated map of the world's ley lines."

"Are you referring to the Astromancy of Animusphere?"

"Yes, precisely. Amongst the people present, only you possess the ability to replicate the magecraft of Animusphere."

She raised an eyebrow and questioned, "Will this aid us in this situation?"

He nodded solemnly and stated, "It's the missing piece we need."

After a brief moment of silence, she nodded and said, "I understand. Since His Majesty has entrusted you with the responsibility for this case, there's no harm in lending my assistance."

Waver appeared somewhat surprised by her response. Based on his expectations, Lorelei's usual demeanor would be characterized by arrogance and dismissiveness, even if she didn't outright refuse. However, this time, things seemed different.

"Lord Barthomeloi, it seems you hold great respect for the Eternal King."

She furrowed her brows and replied with a touch of displeasure, "Isn't that obvious? He is the ruler who governs all of creation!"

As he gazed at Lorelei, who appeared somewhat displeased, beads of cold sweat trickled down his face as he repeatedly offered apologies.

In that moment, a recollection of the ideology upheld by the Barthomeloi family, which circulated within the Clock Tower, flashed in his mind—the belief that even as Lords, they should submit to those of higher nobility.

It was an utterly extreme aristocratic ideology!

She spoke, breaking the silence. "Actually, this is also tied to the history of the Barthomeloi family."

"Ah?" Waver was taken aback by her statement.

She lowered her head slightly and continued, "The Barthomeloi family is an ancient lineage of magecraft, and they were among the founding magical families that constructed the Clock Tower."

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