Chapter 357

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With each defeated Heroic Spirit, Gray's mind grew increasingly distorted, and her thoughts became more twisted.

Finally, she grasped the true essence of this Butterfly Magecraft.

It was a complete substitution of personality and spirit.

Yet, when compared to Orlocke Caesarmund's Butterfly Magecraft, her sister's version was even more remarkable.

The Butterfly Magecraft implanted within Gray wasn't just a transfer of personality and spirit; it was a thorough replacement!

It simulated the Holy Grail, recreated the events of the Fourth Holy Grail War, completed the records of the King of Knights, Artoria Pendragon, and served as a bridge to a place separated by time and space, driven by an obsession that spanned over 1,500 years.

Through spiritual replacement, Gray's own spirit was replaced with that of the King of Knights, Artoria Pendragon.

While she would take Artoria's place and continue to exist in that separate realm, Artoria would be able to manifest once again in this world using Gray's physical vessel.

In this way, through the guise of spiritual and soul substitution, it managed to deceive the Counter Force and cement its existence in the records.

Her sister's brilliance was truly astonishing, capable of conceiving such a powerful magecraft.

Perhaps it was the result of her sister's relentless obsession over the course of 1,500 years.


"I don't want to disappear..." Gray whispered, wrapping her arms around her knees, her face buried in them, tears cascading down her cheeks.

Genuine thoughts of desperately not wanting to fade away consumed Gray's mind.

For the first time since her existence began, she wanted to be selfish.

But it was too late.

The Heroic Spirits responsible for completing the records had already met their end, and the guardian of the ritual had departed the scene.

She... had no escape route left.

The ritual had already been set in motion.

Her spirit was being torn away from her physical form, while countless shadowy hands reached out from the other side of that realm, dragging her towards a place where time ceased to exist.

Fear ceased to hold any significance.

Panic lost its meaning as well.

All that remained was a forced march towards the inevitable end.

This path had been determined by their ancestors, who created the ritual plans over 1,500 years ago.


"I don't want to disappear..."

Who would willingly choose to disappear?

No one.

Gray didn't want to disappear either, nor did she want to wander aimlessly on the other side, swallowed by solitude.

Yet, her pleas fell on deaf ears.

No one would respond to her.

The endless dark hands grabbed hold of her spirit, forcefully pulling her toward that realm where time ceased to exist.


Someone responded to her.

A gentle palm slowly extended from amidst those endless dark hands, pushing her spirit downward.

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