Chapter 313

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The next morning, Shirou and Arcueid strolled out of the hotel side by side.

With no leads to pursue just yet, he knew he had to be patient and wait for Zelretch to provide some clues. Getting antsy would only dampen his spirits and achieve nothing.

So, he decided to join Arcueid for some fun instead.

The decision brought a radiant smile to her face, as if she were a ray of sunshine, brimming with joy.

From the start, he knew that Arcueid's purpose here was purely for enjoyment, not for anything too serious.

However, her idea of "fun" was quite interesting.

While most people would opt for sightseeing in foreign lands, checking out iconic landmarks, what about her?

She would seek out those fortune-telling establishments, leisurely strolling past shops emanating a mysterious gothic vibe, and ultimately indulging in purchases like silver crosses, crystal balls, or even skull-themed accessories.

No doubt about it, this White Princess had fully embraced the abyss of Chuunibyou, with no chance of redemption.

However, in a city like London, where the Holy Church and the Clock Tower coexisted, it was only natural to come across such items up for sale.

After all, this wasn't the medieval era anymore, governed solely by the Church. It was the dawn of a new century that celebrated values like democracy, individuality, and capitalism.

And let's not forget, they weren't shy about selling unconventional items like crystal balls and skull accessories.

In this era, if it had the potential to turn a profit, even ancient creatures like primordial dragons, gods, or buddhas could be transformed into adorable, "moe" versions and put up for sale.

"Hey, Shirou, what do you think of this?" Arcueid held up a black eye patch adorned with a skull pattern, covering her right eye, and asked with a playful smile.

Shirou leaned against the wall by the door, watching her excited expression. He couldn't help but nod in approval and say, "Not bad."

"Heh, no surprises there! After all, I am the Legendary True Ancestor. Wherever the moonlight shines, it's my domain," she declared with excitement, pressing her right eye and a wide grin spreading across her face.

Shirou's mouth twitched. He often felt strange in Arcueid's presence because he lacked the same level of "chuunibyou" enthusiasm.

The customers browsing the shop couldn't help but glance at Arcueid, their expressions filled with surprise. Her Chuunibyou aura was so intense that it made them instinctively maintain a certain distance from her.

However, a few like-minded people couldn't resist being drawn to her energy. Their faces lit up, and they approached her with genuine interest.

Leaning against the wall, he observed as Arcueid engaged in lively conversations with these kindred spirits, exchanging recommendations for props and enthusiastically sharing their common passion.

Just then, a golden-haired little girl entered the shop and made a beeline for Shirou. She looked up at him with wide eyes and asked, "Um... big brother, are you Fujimaru Shirou?"

He slightly lowered his head, meeting her gaze, "Yes, that's me. What can I help you with?"

The little girl reached into her pocket and pulled out a crumpled white piece of paper, holding it out to him. She hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "Um, someone asked me to give this to you."

He accepted the paper from the little girl's outstretched hand, his eyes scanning the English words written on it: "Do not respond to the demented with kindness. Do not respond to the malicious with pity."

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