karaoke (requested)

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You couldn't help but giggle as you watched Nayeon and Momo pass the mic back and forth to each other as they sang and danced around.

You're sitting on Mina's lap and having so much fun as the girls have a karaoke night.

You don't know what song they're singing along to but they're doing well, which isn't surprising considering they have such beautiful voices.

A moment later the song came to an end, making you and the girls all clap and cheer for them.

"Thank you, thank you!" Nayeon laughed as she and Momo sat down on the floor.

"Okay, so, Tzuyu and Sana went already. Who's next?" Dahyun asked as she looked around the room.

"You want to sing, baby?" Mina asked as she kissed your shoulder softly.

"No, I'm okay. I'm having fun watching you all enjoy yourselves." You said, feeling your cheeks heat up just at the thought of singing. "Maybe later. Someone else go now though."

"Okay, then. I'll go! I know the perfect song." Jihyo spoke.

You all sat there, wondering what she had up her sleeve, and you weren't surprised to hear a classic go-to karaoke song begin.

Since U Been Gone by Kelly Clarkson, which just so happens to be one of your favorites.

You know all the words by heart because you've been obsessed with the song for years.

You quietly hummed along, not wanting to distract anyone from Jihyo as she belted out every note flawlessly.

But everyone noticed how you were struggling to not sing along as you bounced your knee, telling yourself to sing the words in your head and not out loud.

"Come on, Y/N! You know the words, song along!" Jihyo smiled as she came over to you, passing you the mic.

You were a little nervous because you usually only sing alone.

You've been told in the past when your voice has been heard by others that you have a good voice but you're shy and you haven't ever sung in front of others like this and especially not Mina.

But you couldn't resist.

You love the song so much and when you're by yourself, you often find yourself screaming every word.

So, despite being so shy, you let it out.

"But since you've been gone, I can breathe for the first time! I'm so moving on, yeah, yeah! Thanks to you, now I get what I want. Since you've been gone."

You closed your eyes as you got lost in the magic of the song and the passion you felt behind singing along.

So when you opened your eyes, you were met with the girls all looking at you in awe.

You looked around, suddenly feeling shy again and nervous.

"What do you mean what?" Mina asked as her eyes lit up and a grin pulled at her lips. "Baby, you can sing."

"Y/N, your voice is so pretty! Why haven't you ever sung around us before?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Nerves, I guess. I mean, I've heard in the past that I have a good voice but I don't know. I guess I felt shy."

"Don't feel shy around us," Jeongyeon said with a smile.

"You should do some covers and put them on YouTube!" Sana suggested.

"I know a great first song." Jihyo smiled.

"Or we can find some gigs for you. I'm sure there are bars or cafes you can sing at. Everyone starts somewhere, baby. The world doesn't deserve to miss out on such a beautiful girl with a beautiful voice." Mina smiled as she hugged you a little tighter.

"You really think so? You think I have a good voice?" You asked as you looked at all of them.

"We would never lie to you." Chaeyoung promised. "We mean it wholeheartedly. You're very talented."

"Y/N, trust us, we know what we're talking about and we know you can sing. Your voice is so beautiful. Chaeyoung is right, you're so talented. Don't doubt yourself." Tzuyu said as she squeezed your shoulder.

"Will you please consider making a YouTube to post some covers? You'd do very well." Mina said as she stared at you with stars in her eyes. "I love your pretty voice. I know the rest of the world would too."

"It's addictive. I want to hear you sing more!" Nayeon said.

"Okay. I'll do it." You said, making the girls cheer.

"You've got your biggest fans right here to support you every step of the way," Momo assured.

"And, of course, you're number one right here. I'll help you however I can. You're going to shine so bright, baby." Mina smiled as she kissed your cheek.

"Will you sing for us?" Dahyun asked.

"Any song you want, any one at all. Please." Jeongyeon said as Jihyo held the mic out for you.

"Okay." You said with a shy smile.

You got up from Mina's lap and grabbed the mic from Jihyo.

And you stared at the girls, who all gazed at you with proud and eager smiles.

They knew your future was bright.

With a voice as pretty as yours, you were bound to succeed and be able to follow your dreams of being a singer, just like your girl.

Your future was bright.

But, for now, you'd cherish the moment and perform for your nine biggest fans and supporters by singing a song you love very much.

And they would cheer you on every second, making sure you know that they believe in you; always.

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