you go into labor in the studio (requested)

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"How are you doing, my love?" Mina asked as she stepped out of the booth.

She just finished recording her parts for one of the new TWICE songs and you were all smiles, having enjoyed hearing her sing her lines.

"Doing good." You replied as she knelt on the floor, caressing your bump before giving it a soft kiss.

"And the baby?"

"Also good." You assured.

Mina is a little on edge as your baby is due to arrive any day now.

It could happen at any moment and that worries her, understandably.

"Trust me, the baby and I are having fun listening to you and the girls record."

"I just worry." She said before turning her head as Dahyun sighed.

"That sure is a lot of snow." She said. "It's surely coming down."

"Well, it's wintertime now. We're due for a lot of snow, I'm sure." Tzuyu spoke.

"Oh, yay." Nayeon sighed.

"You know, it's getting kinda late. We've been here since early this morning and we've done a lot. Why don't we finish recording this song and then head out? Before the weather and the roads get worse." Jihyo said.

"Good idea," Chaeyoung spoke.

"I'll go next," Jeongyeon said as she got up and placed her phone down.

You and Mina cuddled up on the sofa in the room as your eyes slipped shut and her hand rubbed your bump.

You almost felt as though you could drift off to sleep.

Mina was holding you, you could hear Jeongyeon's singing, and you just felt so content.

But then, a sharp pain appeared in your stomach.

Your eyes flew open as a gasp left your lips.

"Baby? Is everything okay?" Mina asked worriedly.

"I don't know." You said before the pain hit once more. "Mina, I think it's time."

All the girls looked at you as they heard the words leave your mouth.

"The baby is coming?" Sana asked from across the room.

"Yeah." You said, wincing from the pain. "Yeah, the baby is definitely coming."

"Oh, my god!" Momo said as she jumped up, all the girls gazing at you and Mina, unsure of what to do.

"Okay, we need to get you to the hospital," Mina said as she got up.

But you wrapped your fingers around her wrist and stared at her anxiously and it broke her heart to see.

"Don't move, please." You pleaded as you squeezed her hand tight. "It really hurts."

She knelt on the floor as she encouraged you to squeeze her hand.

"It's alright, baby. I know it hurts. You can squeeze my hands as tight as you need to."

You groaned and squeezed your eyes shut while squeezing Mina's hands with all of your might.

The pain was already pretty intense and that worried you.

As the pain eased a little, you opened your eyes to stare into Mina's.

"Okay, let's get you to the hospital." She said.

You nodded and took a deep breath as you stood up with Mina and Jeongyeon's help.

Mina Imagines - book two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now