Chapter 4

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Seher's  P.O.V:

It was evening, the sun had set a few hours ago, as I roamed the house. My nerves were high, as the time passed, I had nothing to do. My mobile was snatched away, I had already cooked, and helped in the kitchen. I wasn't allowed to go out, nobody was talking to me. As the wife of their leader, I was supposed to cover my face with a veil, the woman would greet me but scamper away whenever I tried to initiate a conversation. I felt isolated on the first day, I wish I could kill him. The trauma still present as the horrors I endured last night, he was a monster.

The clock struck nine, and I looked outside a car came into view. He was back, I didn't move from my position looking at the person coming out of the car and entering the house. I kept gazing  outside, trying to gather the strength to face the man who was now my husband.  I heard footsteps approach, but I was too immersed in gazing outside. Then it stopped, I looked out at nothing, my shoulders tensed as I felt him standing close to me.

"Not going to greet me?" He asked his face resting on my shoulders making me tense. I hated his presence, I shook my head, hating myself for being so weak. He laughed as if I was a kid throwing tantrum, this made my blood boil, this man had assaulated me.

"Seher...", he called my name, as he hugged me from behind, my head resting on his chest, as I elbowed him trying to break out of the hug. But he tightened his hug, "Looks like you haven't learned your lesson", I felt him gripping my elbows tightly as if he would break them.

As he pushed me towards the dining table, his handsome face contorted with an eerie mix of dominance and malice. His sharp jawline, framed by a well-groomed beard, was marred by a sinister smile that twisted his lips into a menacing grin. Those same dark brown eyes, which could be so captivating, now held a predatory gleam as he said, "When your husband comes back from work, you need to greet him."

I reluctantly gazed into his eyes, and the sight of his handsome face sent shivers down my spine, but not for the reasons one might expect. It was a chilling reminder that beauty could mask an ugly heart, and as tears welled up in my own eyes, I knew I had to endure his cruelty to survive in this world where his charm concealed his malevolence.

As we ate our food, he continued to dictate the rules, his words carrying a possessive edge. "You must always act like a good wife, Seher," he stressed, "and remember, you should never try to exit the mansion. Under no circumstances are you allowed to talk to another male."

I couldn't help but realize how deeply insecure he must be to impose such suffocating restrictions on me. The absurdity of it all suddenly struck me, and a laugh involuntarily escaped my lips. From the moment I was forced into this marriage to this very moment, he had systematically crushed my spirit.

That laughter triggered something in me, and I stood up, striding purposefully toward him. Sitting on his lap, I reached into his pocket, and said the words he wanted me to say, "Hello Husband", in his ears and quietly retrieved the gun from his pocket. I pulled the trigger, finally ending his oppressive presence.

Suddenly my vision blurred, I reopened my eyes, coming back to reality. It was just a dream, a mere fantasy. Nevertheless, the thought of it, the feeling of his blood on my hands, left me with an odd sense of satisfaction. The rest of the dinner proceeded smoothly, although the taste of my imaginary act of defiance lingered in my mind.

The dinner ended and Saad went out, I knew there was a terrace on the third floor, now I had the chance. I quickly went up since Saad was technically in the house, they didn't stop me. The night sky was beautiful, the terrace had a water fountain, a small pool and a large swing. I sat on it, swinging my legs, closing my eyes, relaxing, being transported to another world.

As I swayed gently on the swing, the cool night breeze brushed against my skin, and for a brief moment, I felt a semblance of freedom. It was a stark contrast to the suffocating atmosphere within the mansion. The stars above shone brilliantly, and I couldn't help but lose myself in the beauty of the night sky.

I knew that this moment of solace was only temporary, a fleeting escape from the harsh reality of my life. The events of the day, the restrictions, and the trauma I had endured lingered in my mind. I longed for a life that was not dictated by someone else's rules, a life where I could make my own choices.

In the distance, I heard the faint sounds of the city, a world so different from the one I now inhabited. It was a world of possibilities and opportunities, a world where I could have pursued my dreams. But I was trapped in this opulent prison, bound by the chains of tradition and power.

The sound of footsteps approaching interrupted my reverie. I opened my eyes and saw Saad standing there, his dark silhouette against the night sky. His presence sent a chill down my spine, a reminder of the nightmare I couldn't escape.

"Seher, you shouldn't be here," he said, his voice soft yet authoritative. "It's not safe."

I wanted to defy him, to reclaim this small moment of freedom, but I knew the consequences of such actions. Reluctantly, I rose from the swing and followed him back into the mansion, back to the life I had been thrust into.

As I lay in my room that night, I couldn't help but think about that dream, that moment of defiance. I felt his steely arms, pull me close at night, I couldn't say anything to avoid any more punishments. I couldn't defy him, because I was scared of the consequences. He broke me, he destroyed me. And now he was kissing my cheek, violating me once again as his hands untied the knot in my pants. I was his wife and this was my duty, he whispered as I denied him. Tears dropped but I remained numb at his touch, but what broke me was lack of self control, at some point I felt the pleasure and it messed with my mind. I felt like a whore, how could I find pleasure while being assaulated? I was disgusted of me, as I spat out the words, "I hate you".

He heard it and his movement stopped, he looked into my eyes and suddenly his hand held my neck, he was going to break it. To kill me, but did I care? No. This humiliation was much worse than death, I would prefer to die by his hands than endure this torture.

"What did you say?" He asked his hand gripping my neck tightly, I coughed but didn't stop him, "I hate you", I repeated as tears dropped, my eyes challenging him to kill me. I had no purpose to live anymore, he had already taken away my reason to live.

But then he laughed, removing his hands from my neck, he picked up his belt from the floor. My eyes widened as I backed away, clutching the blanket to my chest but he advanced towards me, slowly, and then he snatched away the blanket. I tried to roll away from the bed, but he held me, and then I felt the first strike on my thighs.

At first I didn't feel anything, then the sting spread and I felt the pain in my bones. It hurt, and he continued striking me on thighs than my stomach. And then my back. I tried to resist, to fight him, but during this fight another strike came. And it knocked me out, the metal of the belt collided with my head, I let out a scream and felt a cool sensation as the world turned hazy. The only wish I had before I lost consciousness was to never wake up again.


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