Chapter 7

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The next morning, Seher found her body burning with fever, shivering under the blanket. Her throat ached, and her ear throbbed from the exposure to the cold rain the previous day. She had pushed herself to the limits, and it was taking a toll on her health. She knew that Saad's punishment had been harsh, and her defiance had only fueled the fire of their rivalry.

As she lay in her bed, weak and ill, her thoughts were consumed by her desire to break through Saad's tough exterior. She realized that challenging him in such a way might not be the most effective strategy. It was time to change her approach, to find a different way to connect with him on a personal level.

Seher knew that she needed to regain her strength first. With a heavy sigh, she summoned a servant and asked for a warm bowl of soup and some herbal tea. She needed to recover quickly if she wanted to continue her mission to make a difference in this village and Saad's life.

As the days passed, Seher gradually regained her strength. She spent her time in quiet reflection, thinking about how to get closer to Saad and understand the man behind the harsh exterior. She had heard whispers about his troubled past and the challenges he had faced to reach his current position of power. She believed that delving into his history might be the key to finding a way to connect with him.

One evening, as the sun set and cast a warm glow over the village, Seher decided to take a walk. The imposing structure had always been a symbol of the family's wealth and power, but it was also a reminder of her captivity.

Her heart raced as she contemplated her next move. She couldn't just walk in uninvited; she needed a plan. Seher resolved to approach this challenge with patience and cunning, determined to uncover the mysteries of Saad's life and, perhaps, find a way to break down the barriers between them.

She knew that she needed to gather information about Saad's schedule and habits, so she began to discreetly inquire about him in the village. People were hesitant to share details about the formidable man, but Seher's charm and persistence gradually yielded small, yet valuable, pieces of information.

Seher discovered that Saad had a particular routine. He would often visit the village's mosque in the early morning, spend his afternoons overseeing the estate's operations, and retire to his mansion in the evenings. It was during these evenings that she would have the best chance to make her move.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Seher donned a simple, dark-coloured shalwar kameez to blend in with the shadows. She knew that the key to her plan was stealth, and she didn't want to draw any unnecessary attention. With each step towards the mansion, her heart raced, and her resolve grew stronger.

With her heart pounding, Seher ventured inside the hidden parts of the mansion, navigating the grand corridors of the mansion with care. She had to avoid servants and guards as she moved towards Saad's private study. The door was partially ajar, allowing her to hear his voice as he spoke on the phone.

Seher hid in a nearby alcove and listened intently. She heard Saad discussing business matters, his tone authoritative and unyielding. As she continued to eavesdrop, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. There was a vulnerability in his voice, a hint of the burdens he carried.

This was the moment she had been waiting for. She couldn't resist the temptation to learn more about the man behind the façade.

She needed to find a way to connect with him on a deeper level, to offer understanding and support where he needed it most.

This was her opportunity to take a step closer to uncovering the hidden layers of Saad's personality and, perhaps, finding a way to break down the barriers that had separated them for so long.

In the dimly lit study, Seher's heart sank as she witnessed the unexpected entrance of a young woman draped in an Abaya. The woman's voice trembled with anguish as she confronted Saad.

"Why did you marry her? You promised to marry me," the woman cried, her eyes filled with hurt and betrayal.

Saad's response was as surprising as it was heart-wrenching. His voice carried a tone of love that turned Seher's stomach. "I had to marry her," he said with a tenderness that cut through the room, "She is the only daughter of Jahangir Shaikh. I would have lost my lands to him if I hadn't."

The woman, her voice quivering, pleaded, "But you had promised me..."

Saad's response sent chills down Seher's spine, and her heart pounded with fear. "I know, and I will keep it," he assured her.

Confusion filled the woman's eyes as she asked, "What do you mean?"

Saad's reply was chilling and left no room for doubt. "You know what I mean."

Seher's breath caught in her throat as she realized the sinister truth. Saad was planning to eliminate her, so he could marry this woman. Angry tears welled up in Seher's eyes as she hid in the shadows, witnessing another dark and sinister side of the man she had been trying to understand.

As the woman left the room, her footsteps heavy with sorrow, Seher made a hasty escape back to her room. Once in the solitude of her room, she couldn't contain her emotions any longer. She cried bitterly, overwhelmed by the tragic twist of fate she had just witnessed.

Frustration and despair clawed at her heart. Her predicament was intertwined with the heartlessness of the man she had hoped to change. Seher's thoughts raced as she grappled with the harsh reality of the world she was caught in.

"Why is fate so cruel?" Seher wondered, her tears flowing freely.

As she cried alone in her room, Seher's resolve remained unbroken. She knew that she had to find a way to expose the darkness that lurked in Saad's heart and protect herself and those who might fall victim to his ruthless ambitions. The stakes had never been higher, and the path ahead was more treacherous than she could have ever imagined.


Seher's heart raced as Saad entered her room. She had prepared herself for a potential confrontation, hiding under the blanket with a knife in hand. Her fingers trembled, and she strained to hear his every move. When he called her name, she remained still, feigning sleep, ready to defend herself if necessary.

As the blanket lowered, Seher pointed the knife at Saad's chest, her breath uneven, her eyes locked onto his every movement. She had no idea what weapon he might be carrying, and she couldn't afford to let her guard down.

"Seher," he spoke her name without anger, and her tension increased. It seemed like a strange encounter. He noticed the knife in her hand and, with a taunting tone, remarked, "It seems my wife wanted to kill me."

Seher shook her head, her voice shaky as she tried to explain. "It was out of self-defence. I'm not strong enough to kill someone, and my heart wouldn't allow it."

Saad's gaze remained fixed on her as he questioned, "Then may I ask why you were holding a knife in your sleep?"

Seher quickly fabricated a reason. "I get nightmares."

Relieved that he didn't press further, Seher continued to lay on the bed, her eyes locked onto his. The moonlight illuminated her face, casting a soft glow and revealing the freckles on her skin. Her hazel eyes, appearing golden in the dim light, seemed to try to read him, a mix of fear and curiosity in her gaze.

Saad couldn't deny the effect her presence had on him, but he pushed aside his desire, reminding himself of Ayesha, the woman he had promised to marry.

"I am planning to marry once again," he announced abruptly, his words hanging heavily in the room.

Seher's heart sank as she heard those words. She had hoped to find a way to connect with Saad, to understand him, but it seemed he was determined to marry another woman. The realization hit her hard, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of loss and despair.

As Saad left the room, Seher was left alone in the moonlit silence, grappling with the complex emotions that swirled within her.

"At least he isn't planning to kill me".

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