Chapter 10

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Trigger Warning: SA and gore content.


I faced the wrath when I returned back, Saad wasn't happy. I had prepared myself for that, I knew what was coming my way. So I stood in the room as he went on...

Screaming with rage.

I didn't feel anything as he shouted, his words were forceful and his actions far from gentle. But my mind was completely unaffected, I was dreaming of somewhere else. My mind was one thousand eight hundred kilometres away, thinking about a particular person.

He had promised to send me a letter whenever he reached. I would have declined if I wasn't worried of his wellbeing, the letter could cause a stir in my life. But the situation now wasn't any better, I was reprimanded for small instances.

Saad pulled at my wrist making me wince in pain and I looked into his eyes.

"Are you even listening to me?" His grey eyes were filled with rage, I blinked as I search for the honey coloured ones. My mind was playing tricks on me again, I was lost in my own thoughts.

Saad became annoyed because of my lack of response. So he pushed me down on the bed, his grip bruising. My head landed on the pillow and I closed my eyes.

And imagined the rivers, the sky, and the serenity of the hilltop. I could feel the breeze on my skin, almost smell the roses and hear the birds chirping.

My arms were pushed on top of my head, and then I felt the tug of my clothes. He had settled himself in between my legs, my clothes were still on, he was punishing me.

Since I was lost in my own dreamworld I hadn't heard the extent of his wrath.

But I could feel it. As my pants were torn off, his hold on me was far from gentle. I was sure it was going to leave a bruise, but beyond this physical pain remained a psychological one. He had assaulted me for months now, and I had accepted it by laying like a dead bird. He had always made the act the least enjoyable for me, and right now he was doing his best to break me.

I screamed in pain as he thrusted in, my cry of anguish was met by his moan of pleaure. I couldn't keep my eyes open as he continued, it was burning, I felt my legs shivering as he went in with full force.

I struggled against his hold and cried but he covered my mouth with his hands. Gazing at those heartless eyes I recognized the monster. I couldn't forget how he had shot his sister dead, without an ounce of emotion.

He had the dead look in his eyes.

Looking into his eyes, I saw the anger.

Why was he angry?

He had two wives, this made me struggle, this was the first time he was intimate with me after his wedding. And I was disgusted by the thought of ...

I pushed at his chest and struggled against his hold.

"Leave my hands, you asshole", I screamed with rage. He stopped and looked at me with shock. Then my head whipped to the other side and I felt my face burning.

I felt extremely weak, as he went on and I couldn't control my cries. He shuddered after a few minutes and released himself inside me.

"That was amazing ", he whispered with a satisfied smile, my body ached. It felt raw, I wasn't ready for this and he was harsh.

I realised I was sobbing because of the pain. The hot tears fell down my cheeks and I wiped them away as he released my hands from his tight grip.

There was blood on my face, he had split my lip open. I was tired of being a victim, tired of crying, not being able to fight back.  I had no control over my life.

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