Chapter 14

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There was a knock on the door early morning, Seher groggily woke up as Razia went to open it. It was still early, the sun wasn't up yet, "Who is it?"

Razia didn't had to answer because the next moment Saad entered the room with a smile on his face.

"How did you sleep?"

She shrugged looking for her dupatta and straightening out her clothes. Still uneasy in his presence. His smile unsettled her for some reason.

"When are you leaving?" She asked casually trying to lessen the angst in the air, it was suffocating to be in the same room as him. And as the days passed her hatred for him only incremented.

He didn't like her question. Not even a bit, and she realised that when he pulled at wrist with a force that she had to look into his eyes, feel his breath on her face.

"I can see the thought makes you excited, finally you can live your life happily", he said twirling her hair around his fingers, she didn't bother to answer because it was the truth.

Pushing him away she turned to fold the blankets, "My friend is waiting downstairs, he will check on you".

She nodded her head, as Saad set up the curtain in between, partitioning the bed. It was normal for women to stay in pardah but she had never seen anything to this extent. This man was insecure.

As she settled on the other side, Seher saw them entering the room, she extended her hand through the curtain as the doctor checked her pulse.

"When did you have a miscarriage?" He asked before Saad could speak Seher replied.

"It wasn't a miscarriage... I was pushed down the bed".

There was a silence, then she heard footsteps, Saad left the room.


Doctor Abdullah Khan had practiced in Kashmir for three years where he met Saad Nawab Khan. The two soon formed a kinship, and Saad helped the doctor establish his own office in Azamgarh.

Saad stood outside at the door, a cigeratte on his lips as he inhaled the smoke his eyes closed. Abdullah cleared his throat, Saad quickly dropped the cigeratte and stepped on it.

The two walked outside into the garden, "Saad, who is this?" A voice interuppted.

They turned to find a woman clad in a nightie, it was Ayesha. Saad shrugged, "Seher wasn't feeling well, I will drop him at the gate", he said as the two started walking away.

Abdullah noticed something, a thought made him smile as he noticed the two.

As they walked away he asked, "Is Ayesha your first wife?"

Saad stopped in his tracks, "No! She is my second".

Abdullah couldn't help but muse, "A year ago you were a bachelor and now look at you with god's grace you have two".

Saad changed the topic realizing the mocking tone in Abdullah's voice, "When are you planning to marry?"

Abdullah shrugged, "Whenever I meet the one, you know how poetic I am".

The two conversed, and Abdullah couldn't help but realize the difference in his attitude towards his two wives. The first wife was behind a curtain and the other roaming in a nightie in the garden, and he didn't blinked an eye. His friend was a fool who couldn't realise his own feelings.

"You wife has a weak constitution, it's nothing to stress about just make sure she consumes her medicines on time",  Saad nodded, his behaviour a little  distant and Abdullah couldn't help but be a little jealous, his friend cared more about his wife. He needed to marry soon.

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