Chapter 13 (Unedited)

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Guys, extremely sorry for the delay. I have noticed that out of 1K readers only 60 vote, it takes less than a second to vote, so I would appreciate it if you guys voted❤️


"I am leaving for Punjab, today", Saad informed her as they laid on the bed, Seher covered her naked body with the blanket and looked at the ceiling, feeling nothing. She didn't understand why he was informing her this.

Was she supposed to be upset? In the past few days, his visits became extremely frequent. And now it wasn't just to use her, he would accompany her everywhere like a shadow. His eyes would suffocate her, it was hard to breath in his presence. What did he expect from her?

Whenever he used her body, he would demand her to look into his eyes or cry out his name. Those demands, mind games, felt like another form of mental torture for her.

Her hazel eyes closed, as she shrugged, they both knew why he was spending more time with her. Ayesha was on a bed rest, so she couldn't fulfill his demands.

Saad rolled on top of her, trapping her under him, and her hazel eyes met his grey ones.

"Will you miss me?"

Not even a bit.

She wished he stayed there for a long time...

She wished he never returned.

She wished for his carriage to crash and fall into a ditch.

Her eyes were cursing him, and he could read the hatred in them. He covered those beautiful pair of eyes, that were hurting him. The eyes he loved and hated.

Seher spoke less, but her eyes hid nothing. The two didn't speak, instead he kissed the beauty mark below her lips. Then beside her eyes, her lips were swollen from his kisses, his love bites on her neck visible to the entire world. She was his, but those eyes they lacked emotions, they overrode his every love mark.

They were expressionless but he could hint the hostility.

Saad silently watched her movements, his thin lips pursed into a straight line, and his expression gradually became cold.

She was really heartless. The lines of his chin were tight, his beautiful features were a little sharp, and his whole body was cold as ice. The smile on his face didn't falter, but she could tell that it didn't reach his eyes. She didn’t understand why he was unhappy again?

His eyes were reading her face, assesing her expression carefully. Saad couldn't see any signs of disappointment or worry on her face. The arc of his lips gradually fell down, as he caressed her face, the realisation hit him, she didn't care about him. Seher didn't say a word, he wanted her reaction, he didn't care how nasty it was.

His expression became cold as frost. However, the smile on the corner of his eyes and the tip of his eyebrows became deeper and deeper. He reached out his hand and caressed her brow making her flinch, "You wouldn't miss me?"

He pinched her cheek, "Say something".

She wanted to throw a nasty comment at him, call him delusional but she held her tongue. Talking to him was of no use, she had realised that he loved punishing her, he was trying to get under her nerves maybe he wanted to have a reason to torture her each time.

He loved her struggle, so she stopped struggling. He loved her tears, so she stopped crying.

His hands caressed her body, as if memorizing each and every part as she remained there like a doll. He bit her earlobes and whispered, "Is your mind occupied by your lover's memories?"

He said that with a smile on his face, her eyes betrayed her as the emotions rushed out. Her hands tried to push him off her, but he held them tightly in his grip.

"Do you know even thinking about men other than your husband is considered cheating?"

The audacity of this man, her anger reached a next height as she screamed, her emotions bursting out.

"You are a cheating motherf**** ", and he grabbed her neck making her struggle as she struggled. This was same as that night when he had raped her and caused the miscarriage. The struggle in her soon died and she laid there her life flashing infront of her eyes as she saw the blur.


Incredibly weak, that's how she felt. She looked so weak that Saad felt he could cut her neck with his hand. Her eyes gleamed with tears. A few drops of crystal clear tears slipped down. This scene fell in his eyes and only thought that it was extremely beautiful. He loosened his grip and gazed at her face.

Her tears were enticing. He suddenly lowered his head, and his cold lips and teeth slowly licked the tears on her face. In that moment, he didn’t have that deep dislike for her. The corner of his lips gradually fell down. His eyes were red, and he took a fierce bite on the corners of her mouth. Only when he tasted the rustiness of blood did he stop and whispered, "I am going to take a bath, bring clean clothes for me".

She closed her eyes and didn't look at him as he rolled away, she laid there trying to compose herself.

There were two different thoughts in her brain before. One to surrender completely, but she realised it was of no use. Saad loved abusing her, he loved making her cry and mentally torturing her. And other to kill him.

He called her from inside the washroom, she stood up and quickly wore her nightie. Saad was lying in the bath with his upper body naked. His face hidden by the steam, she placed the clothes at the edge slowly at that moment his hand grabbed her and pulled her in.

She fell inside the bathtub, her clothes getting wet by the water. Saad was gazing at her neck, at the love bites and the satisfaction in his heart bloomed.

He stood up from the tub and threw her a towel, "You need to bath too", he said as if apologizing for a mischief, the curve on his lips was playful.

He found that every time he saw Seher's sad and weak appearance, his heart seemed to be more joyful

But she didn't like it at all. He was forcing her to bath in his dirty water. This was again a game for him, the disgusted look remained as she stood up and drained the water, opening the tap she rubbed her body to clean off his dead cells from her skin, to clean off his musky scent.

He wanted her to smell like him. He was trying to strip away her identity, it seemed as if he wanted the world to know that she was his.

After cleaning herself she slipped inside the quilt and stayed at the edge of the bed, to stay far far away from him. An hour passed and she gradually relaxed, but suddenly in the middle of the night she felt a hand on her thigh. He pulled her closer, and brought his lips near her neck. Biting them harshly making her scream.

"I am sorry, I didn't wanted to wake you up".

He apologised but in a mocking tone, there was no guilt in his eyes. He desired to torture her. He reached out and grabbed her cheek, in the moonlight his eyes burning red like a wolf, and his teeth bit her chin.

"Your cheeks turn red, whenever I pinch them. Why are they so pale right now? Are you sick?"

There was a hint of worry hidden in his voice. Suddenly Seher didn't feel good, his words affecting her psychologically. Originally she had a strong constitution but after the miscarriage she would catch diseases easily.

"I will call a doctor to check on you tomorrow".

He said, pulling her into his arms. Seher, exhausted, quickly drifted into sleep. Early in the morning, Saad awoke, his gaze falling upon her. He couldn't help but look at his wife, her incredible beauty was undeniable—bright, exquisite features, thick black lashes, and slightly parted red lips.

Her sleeping posture had left her collar slightly disheveled. Silently, he reached out, tidying her clothes. His cold fingers delicately traced along the edge of her cheek, as if outlining her features irresistibly. As if sensing something, the sleeping woman trembled, her body tensing with a faint frown.

He pressed a kiss on her nose, and stood up letting her sleep in.

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