II | OJ x Reader

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Gender neutral reader
(O/n) = object name
plot: u and oj set up decorations idk
might be ooc💀

     You and OJ started to set up Halloween decorations all over the hotel for October. Paper would've helped, but he insisted on getting the candy and doing the baking.

     OJ helped you carry the boxes and set them in places where it needed to be decorated.

     As you both got settled, the two of you quickly went to work. You set up a ladder and started to place some decorations on the walls while OJ did some at the bottom.

     The silence between the both of you was starting to bug you, so you decided to make some small conversation.

      "So... OJ?"

     "Yeah?" He replied, still doing the decorations.

     "You in the... spooky spirit?" you asked awkwardly. A blush of embarrassment, appeared on your face as you mentally face palmed.

     Spooky spirit? Really?

     OJ chuckled before replying. "Yeah, I guess so. What about you?"

     "Uh, yeah! I'd say I'm in the spirit," you reply.



     "So... what's it like working in the hotel?" you ask now, desperate to move on from that awkward convo.

     "Well.. it's stressful, but it's okay," he says. "I've got you and Paper to help me."

     You chuckle. "Yeah, of course."

     You grabbed a decoration, but then you suddenly felt yourself lean forward. You immediately try to lean back to gain your balance, but you quickly starts to fall.


     OJ hears the commotion and quickly comes to your rescue. He catches you in his arms before you hit the floor.

     "Are you okay!? What happened!?" he asked, worried.

     "I-I'm okay. I think I lost my balance," you reply bashfully and a bit dazed.

     The both of you realize that you're in his arms, causing you both to blush. You stand up and smile awkwardly.

     "Thanks, OJ," you say, blushing.

     He blushes too. "Yeah, no problem."

     After setting up the decorations, you and OJ take a break from the work and decide to relax in the lounge. You turn on the TV and start browsing for a movie to watch.

     As you're scrolling, OJ speaks up. "Hey, (O/n)? I have to tell you something. It's been on my mind for a while now, and I think I'm ready to tell you now."

     You turn to him as he takes a deep breath. "I like you, (O/n). Not like just a friend, but as more than that."

     You're taken aback by his confession, but also flattered. You didn't expect him to feel the same way, but after spending time helping him with the decorations and helping around the hotel, the both of you felt a connection.

     A soft blush coated your cheeks. "I like you too, OJ," you say with a smile.

     OJ smiles back at you as a blush covers his face also.

     "I'm glad," he whispered before pulling you into a kiss.

     The both of you stayed like that for a few seconds before pulling away. He wrapped an arm around you as put on a horror movie. The both of you felt warm in each other's arms as the movie played.

528 Words
(A/N: had no idea where i was goin with this, just wanted to post a oneshot)

Object Shows x Reader Oneshots (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now