Chapter one - Secret crush

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Geto POV

We are the strongest. And I hope it stays that way, I couldn't ever imagine me without Satoru.

Me and Satoru met in the first year of Jujutsu Tech , and I clearly remember how he approached me. Bangs.


"Bangs." A guy appears out of nowhere and starts to look at.. my bangs. Totally not weirded out at all. 

"Hello?" I say, uncertain how to reply to 'bangs'.

I look at him and i notice how attractive he is. He has really bright blue eyes, and his white hair makes him stand out even more. He looks familiar, I've seen him somewhere. But where exactly?

"You've got nice bangs." The white haired says again, eyes finally boring on mine. As we make eye contact, i realise he's 10 times more attractive than i thought. His gaze really pulls you in, in a way.

"Uhh, thanks?" I reply. why's he so interested in my bangs?

"What's your name?" The guy tilts his head, and his hair follows the movement.

"..Geto Suguru. Nice to meet you." I clear my throat and stand up straight.

"I'm Gojo. Gojo Satoru." His eyes never leave mine as i slowly start to realise who he is. Gojo Satoru?! As in the prodigy born with both the six eyes and limitless?!

"I'm sorry, i didn't realise-"

"Yeah yeah. I dont need all that. Let's be friends. I cant find anyone around my age." He changes his posture and goes for what looks like a smile. 

"...Alright." I respond, my brain not braining.


Ever, since then we were always together. We would go on missions together and we got closer.

Now we are best friends, but I'm hiding something from him and I must never tell Satoru.


"Huh?" The cigarettes Shoko had in her mouth drops. "Are you serious?" she's gawking at me and I regret telling her.

"..Yeah." I look away, but I still feel a strong pressure.

"No way you like like him as in-"

"Yes! I've always been gay." I slowly look back to Shoko to see her still shocked.

"I.. but aren't you?-"

"Best friends? Yeah, and I like to keep it that way Satoru can never know about this okay?"

"Yeah alright." I would've moved on to another topic but she continues. "How long?"

I let out a sign before replying.

"It's been like seven months since I met him, so about three months?" That's probably a lie. I've always liked him, basically as soon as I set my eyes on him. But she doesn't need to know that.

"Damn. And here I thought I could be in a trio without being the third wheel." Shoko gets out another cigarette, lighting it.

"There's no need, he's never going to like me. He gets a load of girls. if you didnt notice."

"Well, you never know."


"Man, this mission's so boringgggg." Satoru groans as he leans his head against a wall.

Our mission today was to exorcise a curse, but it hasn't appeared in the last two hours. It feels like Yaga just sent us away because we were being too 'misbehaved.'

And we were on the mission together, as always.

It's been a year since i met Satoru. One year of a big fat crush on my best friend. Shoko's telling me to give him signs, but i dont know how to. I don't even know how to flirt! But Of course i want to get together with him, but i know that will never happen. I bet he doesn't even like boys.

"-uru! Suguru!" Satoru makes me jolt out of my thoughts. "Geez, what got you thinking so hard?" He says, his face still quite close. I feel the tip of my ears go warm. We've always been "touchy" in a normal way.

"Sorry, i dont feel great." I mummer, retreating from the close proximity. "Is the curse not here yet?"

Satoru looks at me like i was a baby who just did the deed.

"I exorcised it right in front of you. Honestly, you need to get your ears checked." Satoru's always been the type to talk a lot, and he loves invading people's privacy. And currently, he's sitting right next to me, his arm pressed against mine, our knees bumping. I've gotten used to it, but i still always get butterflies.

"Well, now that we're done, should we go back?" I say standing up. Satoru follows suit.

"But before that can we go to the cafe we saw?" Satoru looks at me with puppy eyes, and i can never say no. I sigh, but inside im happy to see him excited.

"Alright, let's go." We walk out of the building, heading to the cafe. Satoru has always loved sweets, and i always loved looking the way he gets happy. I like looking at what he does, even if it's something small. I cant go a day without thinking of him, i just hope he doesn't find out, you never know what'll happen. He might not even talk to me ever again. 


After the café, we look around a bit, and then be returned to the high school. Shoko is there, talking to Haibara and Nanami.

"Heyyy, it's my kouhais!" Satoru goes over to them with a greeting, cheerful as always.

"Please refrain from touching me." Nanami says, dodging his hug.

"Come on, Nanami! Cheer up!" Haibara says with a smile. He's always so cheerful, it's quite nice to be around him.

"Hey guys." I greet with a wave. "What are you talking about?" The three gives each other glances. Okay, they're hiding something.

"Just about some western movies." Nanami replies, and I swear Haibara let out a small sigh. 

"Uh huh." I reply, eyes Shoko in the middle. She cheekily look away and starts another conversation with Nanami. 

"Well, im going back to the dorms. Come on, Suguru." Satoru drags me off before i could respond. I dont really mind, though. I look back once more  and i see the three all hushy, but mainly Haibara and Shoko, Nanami seems like he doesn't want to be there. What could they be hiding? 


A/n: hey guys! Thanks for picking up this book. Lately im really obsessed with SatoSugu, my camera roll is basically them.

P.s. the bangs part is actually canon 

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