Happy Epilogue

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A/n: By the way, none of these endings have the alternative where he meets Yuki, who helps him notice that the humans are the 'source of curses'

We've been texting all the time, even whenever Satoru's been on missions. No matter the grade, he would always find time to text me. I find it sweet.

When I go on my missions, I would try to text Satoru too. He would always reply right away. We've gotten closer, or at least I hope so.

"Seriously, what's up with you these days?" Shoko asks when we meet up for classes. "You look so happy that's it's creepy."

"Eh? You're so mean Shoko." I chuckle at her, who gives me a weird look.

"Damn." She continues staring at me.


"I haven't seen you laugh in a while." She gets out another cigarette from one of her bottomless pockets. "Well whatever, at least you're doing better."

"Shoko, that's your 13th cigarette already, it's only twelve pm."

"Oh shush."

"A mission?" I ask Yaga, holding a stack of paper. I haven't been on a mission in a while, probably because Satoru takes them a lot.

"Yes. You were assigned on a mission in a village not too far from here." I look at the map Yaga handed to me, and I notice it's the village where my parents live. I should go and say hi to them. A second grade curse, I suppose that's easy enough. "There's apparently other users there too, go see how they're doing." He says it in a.. worried tone? I guess it's nothing.

But I have a weird feeling. This odd sense of dread dawns on me. Like Something would happen. But what?

"Alright. Let's go." I respond.

So they drop me off in front of the village, and I approach towards the direction of the massive amount of cursed energy that was harming the village.

I see it straight away, it was quite tall, towering over the houses. It looked at me greedily, and ran towards me. It had a fire power, blue to be exact. It would be useful for later.

It was easy, it had a noticeable tactic. I quickly exorcised it. Now the part I dread the most. Eating it.

I opened my mouth like I always to, squeezing my eyes. As it hit the back of my throat, i had a strong urge to throw it back up, to stop eating them. But how would i get stronger, how would i be able to catch up with Satoru?

Although it was seconds, it felt like a long time in a prison full of shit.

I walked slowly back to the main part of the village and informed them the curse has been exorcised. Only to get dragged by the villagers to another area. I try to apologize to them and excuse myself to go back. I was way too tired for this. But they seemed quite desperate for me to see whatever this was. They lead me to.. two girls.




They look so beat up, so vulnerable. I felt one of my veins pop. Why're they like this

"-you need to get rid of them!" A villager shouts in my ear. "They're the source!" She insists. I bring my thumb to my forehead, tapping it gently. Right. Okay.

The shouting increases. I tap my forehead just a little bit harder. 

It's okay.

"I've already taken care of the curse, I assure you it's not them."

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