Extra from angst ending

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I'm back at this again! I didn't expect the story to blow up so much, i want to thank all of you who voted, commented or even read it! I love you all so much that i wanted to give you a fluff but angst extra! 


"Hey!" The young teenage Geto smiles at Gojo, who suddenly he wakes up with a loud 'BLEGH!'

"you're kidding me. This sucks." Gojo sighed in defeat as he leaned back on his chair. Right, he passed away. Of course, he lost to the king of curses, he was only the strongest in the era. The strongest in history was obviously better than him. Looks like limitless and six eyes could not help defeat the legendary Sukuna Ryomen. 

"Pretty rude thing to say right after seeing someone's face." Geto responded, glancing in mock offense at Gojo. 

"I've always told my students," Gojo started, looking at his friend under his sunglasses. "'When you die, you'll be alone.' so please tell me this is some ridiculous dream." at this, Geto made a small pout and responded with: 

"Does it matter?" 

"no shit. And then there's the stuff with his dad.." Gojo rubs the back of his neck, thinking back to Megumi. He then goes silent for a while, and starts again. "But I guess I asked Shoko to handle that." 

"so, how was the king of curses?" Geto tried for a conversation, looking forward instead of his friend this time. 

"Insanely friggin, strong!" The Whitehead responded, thrashing his arms. "And he wasn't giving it all he had." Then, with another small pause, he talked again. "Honestly, I don't think I would've won even if he didn't have Megumi's 10 shadows."

With a mildly, surprised face, Geto looked at the egoistic man next to him. "I'm shocked anyone could make you admit that." He smiles, leaning on his chair like Gojo.

"Still, I kind of feel sorry for him." at this sudden comment Geto's eyes widened once again, not really understanding why gojo would ever say he 'understood' someone. Especially to his enemy, Sukuna. 

"I'm not stranger to feeling isolated." Gojo continued, and Geto decided to stay silent. he didn't really know what to say, he never knew Gojo really thought like that. He always assumed that only himself was the misfit, he always thought Gojo was.. the normal one, the one who actually fitted in. "There was always a gulf between me and other people, even if they adored me." Geto thought it was the best if he didn't look over to his best friend, it wasn't everyday where he would open up to.. anyone, really.

"You can always admire a blooming flower, but you can't ask it to understand you." Gojo keeps going, balling his hand into a fist. "I put everything I had into trying to reach him. To make him understand.." gojo said as he stared at his balled fist. "All my physical training, those techniques I mastered, my explosiveness, quick thinking and attempts at humor, I gave it my all, but it wasn't enough." Geto remained quiet while Gojo spoke, wondering who he was talking about. It was probably (obviously) about Sukuna, but it felt as if it had another meaning to that. Maybe meant for someone else, too. A small part of him wondered, hopes, that maybe it was for him, too. Bit of course it wasn't, they were only friends after all. They weren't anything special. But, at least Gojo kept his promise. He had said 'we'll meet again' (it's according to the jjk season 2 intro), and they have. Geto's happy, he's reunited with Gojo. Maybe he could even tell him about his feelings for the man, they had all the time in the world after all.

"I had fun." Gojo's voice allowed Geto to snap out of his thoughts. "Sukuna wasn't able to give me his best though, and I think that's a shame." As he said this, Geto looked at the strongest man of the era.

"Well, consider me jealous. You at least had the satisfaction to go out with a bang." Geto replied after the long speech, staring at his blue eyes. He.. wasn't as nervous as he thought it would be. He wasn't nervous about him being close to him, talking to him and even looking at him. As a matter of fact, he was.. relieved that Gojo was by his side again.

"Satisfaction, huh? I guess my only disappointment is that you weren't there to give me a slap on the back."

Satoru really doesn't hide his feelings, huh. Geto thought to himself as a tear rolled in. He was glad he was with him once again. After Geto's laugh, gojo started to talk once again.

"But I guess I am glad I died facing a strong opponent. It'd be embarrassing if I let some old disease or old age get the best of me." A small rustle could be heard from behind, and another voice spoke.

"What are you, a samurai?" As gojo glanced behind his back, he saw Nanami and Haibara sitting next to each other, both also in their teenage years (although haibaras don't exactly count, he was dead from his high school days). "Seriously. You should know it's poor taste to think like that in the present." Nanami continued, still not making eye contact with gojo.

"Huuuh?" Gojo slurred, placing his arms around the chair and facing the ceiling.

"then again, that mindset of yours is probably why you outlived me." Nanami continued, ignoring the statement from Gojo.

"You and Gojo-San just miscalculated a bit." Haibara commented with a grin.

" I remember once asking Geto-San why we can't just leave it all to you." Nanami tried to avoid Gojo's hand, making a small comment 'please stop' and pushing Gojo's hand away. " after all, you've never cared about keeping sorcery going, or protecting people." Nanami continued to talk, pulling a pout on Gojo's face. " You were just in the game because you got a kick out of it."

" Truth is, we all thought that about Gojo-San! But we couldn't bring ourselves to say it out loud." Haibara said as if it was a good thing. As the two juniors continued to talk, Geto started to comment.

"Well, that feeling about you... was just proven right by your actions a few seconds ago." Gojo open his mouth, but no sound came out of it. He was certainly shocked, he didn't expect all of them to think that Gojo was a selfish person.

" Can't say I approve. But I do sympathize." Nanami spoke out, looking down. "It was a fitting way for you to go out."

"Yeah yeah, thanks. And how do you feel about your demise?" Gojo asked after a small scoff.

"Ahhh, I kinda butted in back then." Haibara rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly with an apologetic smile.

"Curses can bring people back into life. The same way sorcery can." Nanami replied to Gojo's question with nearly zero hesitation. "I once asked Mei-san about where I should go live. She said if you'd like to become someone new, go north. If you'd like to return to who you once were, go south." And, for the first time in a long time nanami spoke with a smile. "Then I didn't in hesitate moving south. I've always been someone who loves looking into the past, so I found it ironic when I died betting on the future. As final moments go, it wasn't too bad. So im grateful to Haibara." 

"You're too kind!" Haibara smiled at the blonde, who was looking at him. 

"I see.." gojo spoke out, facing the floor and acting normal since getting here. "Hey principaaaal!" He shouted out to Yaga who was not too far away from Gojo. He covered his ears as Gojo opened his mouth once again. "Thought ya said no jujutsu sorcerer dies without regrets!" Gojo continued in a bit of a loud voice. With the big smile, the four started laughing. This moment was very special. For all of them. They had all reunited once again, even Amanai and Misato. As Gojo looked around, he noticed that this place, wherever they were was an airport. Maybe it was a waiting place and they had all waited for Gojo. To come with them to the next 'destination'. Geto had waited. His one and only lover, or maybe a crush more than a lover. Gojo knew how Geto felt, and he was pretty sure that Geto knew too. Maybe they'll do it later though, in a much better place.

Of there's one thing i am sure of, i am sure that you have always belonged with me. Gojo thought to himself as he looked into Geto's smiling eyes.

And Geto remembered the meaning of a soulmate. "Someone who understands you, loves you, and will be there for you like no other." Geto was pretty sure that Gojo understood him. No, he knew that Gojo understood him. He sure is someone like no other, so there's not doubt.

They're soulmates.

It can be platonic, even. But they're soulmates either way. They know that for sure.

"Now im hoping this isn't a dream." - Gojo Satoru's last known words. 

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