Chapter 6 - Dreams

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"What's happening?" I ask as I shuffle back as Satoru leans in closer, close enough to feel his hot breath. Why is he doing this again? 

"What?' He responds with a visible smirk. He leans in even closer and I squeeze my eyes shut. I don't know what is going on, but i think i like it. Our bodies are extremely close right now, and I'm wondering if its a dream or not. Because if it is, i still like it. 

Satoru snakes a hand around me and strokes my hair, and I actually feel good. A small gesture, but Satoru always make them feel so big. Without noticing, i let out a sigh, and i hear Satoru chuckle. 

"You like this?" He asks, and i open one eye to see him even closer. Oh damn. His blue eyes almost illuminates as i stare into this. This feels good. Very good. 

Instead of replying, i just stare at him. I don't know whats going on but i wanna cherish it. 

Okayyyyyy that was a dream. Lovely. 

I think Satoru is driving me crazy, i think the dream happened because he kissed me. I am never going to those parties ever again, I don't think my heart can take this. I don't think i can ever face Satoru again, this is too much for me. Besides, I literally told  myself that I wanted to give up on him. But how?! I'm even having fantasies about him in my dreams. Am i that obsessed? 

Okay, maybe i am. 

But yeah, i give up on life. 


"Okay, you've been ignoring Gojo since like half an hour ago. He's in a foul mood thanks to that. What happened?" Shoko asks me. To be honest I didn't realise I was avoiding him, I was just.. too ashamed to talk to him. And it's literally been a couple hours since we woke up.

"I didn't realise I was ignoring him." I admit. She sighs then gets out another cigarette, probably the third already.

"Okay, then what happened yesterday? That must be the right question, since you are obviously flushing now." She looks at me and expects me to explain everything. I won't.

"Okay, fine. He kissed me after saying 'I love you' and well, before you say anything, he was drunk, okay?" I ramble on, and the new cigarette drops out of her mouth.

"Oh. Oh my goodness." She says, eyes wide. I narrow my eyes, suspicious.


"Ah..well. Since I remember most things when I'm drunk, I know what Gojo does. And, well, I can't tell you."

"Hah?" I say, my eyebrows, furrowing. There has never been a time where she hasn't told me anything, so why now?

"Listen, I understand everything now. And I am sure it's gonna work out." I am even more confused after that.

"What's going to work out?" I ask her, and she makes a gesture, zipping her mouth.

"That's for you to find out." She can be so secretive sometimes. "Also, I can tell something else happened." as I process what she says as she walks away, my face blushes, super red. HOW DOES SHE KNOW??? She reads my mind like a book, i swear. 

"Suguruuuuuuu" Satoru says, teleporting right next to me. I jump about three meters, half because he whispered in my ear, and half because I remembered what I did when I imagined him next to my ear. "Woah, jumpy." He says at me, eyes unreadable since he had his sunglasses on, like always. I can never really tell where he's looking.

"Sorry. I was zoning out." I mumble as an excuse.

"Alright. So, uh. Did anything bad happen yesterday? You were avoiding me." He fiddles with his fingers, his cheeks rosy. I've learnt over the years that it's his way of saying 'I'm actually feeling bad'.

"No, I was just really tired from yesterday." I smile at him, trying to looks sorry. Satoru's shoulders slump, and I could feel him relax.

"Oh, okay. So, nothing really bad happened, right?" Something quite the opposite, actually.

I nod in response, deciding to tell him about.. the kiss, another day. He doesn't need to know now.

Not yet, I don't even know how he would react. 

A/n: I know this is quite short, I just want to keep it going. I hope you guys are interested in this story, thanks for all the support!

Question 5: Do you ship SukuFushi?

Also if you read the 'eye contact,' I decided to change the plot last minute, sorry. 

You'll never love me / satosuguWhere stories live. Discover now