Epilogue Of Happy Ending

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A/n: the ending still didn't feel right.

I've been doing much better these days, with the two girls and Satoru always there to accompany me. Although my opinion on the monk- non sorcerers  haven't really changed, i have the girls and Satoru for support.

"Well, you're back." Shoko says to me when we hang out. Currently, we are walking through the busy streets of Tokyo. I suppose I don't mind it around Shoko and Satoru.

"Yeah." I say, flashing her a smile. but it drops when I see her tears. She quickly wipes them up, but I can see she wants a hug. So be it. I go over to hug her, and, surprisingly, she hugs back. Satoru, the oblivious human being he is, doesn't realise we've stopped and proceeds to walk, so I summoned a curse to drag him back. He turns around with an annoyed expression but joins the hug.

"You idiot. You're both idiots." Satoru doesn't let go of the hug but looks at her with an offended face.

"Wha- what did I do?" He complains as we break the hug.

I chuckle and walk ahead of them as they bicker.

The hang out was really good for me, I got to connect with my friends again and I sort of got used to being in a crowd of non sorcerers. It wasn't that bad.

" You got to confess." Shoko says to me very randomly as we take a smoke break outside. I try to look unphased as take in a drag of my cigarette.

" Well, that was really random." I state, making her raise an eyebrow.

"Well? You have plans to?"

"I- no." I look away and sigh.

"Come on, you even kissed." My eyes widen as I choke on air. I nearly forgot about that. How long ago was it, about seven months ago?

"How do you know about that?!" I whip my head towards her, her curious face now a sly little one. She shrugs and smiles.

"I have my sources." I groan and cover my face with my hand.

I am 99% sure my face is bright red. Of course she has blackmail. I don't know how she gets it, but she gets it with skill. She probably hired someone to stalk us. Why did Satoru not notice? Oh yeah, he was drunk. "So? You gonna do it or what?"

I suppose I haven't really thought about confessing, because I was a bit busy fixing things up. But now that that's over, i suppose it's a good opportunity. But I don't know how he would respond to it. Would he return my feelings? He might've only kissed me because he felt like it and he was drunk. Besides, he even said he has a crush.

"Alright. I'll do it." I tell her as I ball my hand into a fist. I suppose I should give it a go. "Today, at lunch!"

I didn't do it at lunch.

In fact, I went over and talked to him like normal. I totally chickened out.

Yes, I know I am a coward. But it's really way more nerve wracking than I thought.

Scrap that, I knew it would be overwhelming, but looks like my body isn't listening to me.

"You dumbass." Shoko says as I tell her I didnt do it. "you two are so hopeless." She takes another drag as she sighs.

" I'll do it next time." I tell her. She gives me a side eye and waves me off, telling me to get over with it. I walk away in defeat and head towards Satoru, who stayed away from us because of the smoke. He supports me and it seems like he glows up.

" you took so long!" he thrashes his hands around as I sit down next to him. I only chuckle as he stares at me with a pout. I shoot him a quick apology, not sorry at all. "Ugh, never mind.." he rolls his eyes and leans back. " anyway, what are you talking about? It seems serious." he asks after a moment of silence. I want to tell him it was nothing, but I don't want to lie to him either. He would probably see through it his six eyes, as well. How should I explain? ' we've been talking about how I should confess to you.' Yeah, no. I was always good at lying, but when it comes to Satoru it gets hard. I try to think of an excuse that sounds believable, but I can't think of any.

You'll never love me / satosuguWhere stories live. Discover now