Chapter 4 - The Party

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"I'm having second thoughts." I say to Shoko and Satoru as we enter the club. Shoko apparently already knew about it, so she didn't really mind when we told her about it. She's wearing a black dress, not too tight but not too loose either. She looks good.

Me and Satoru are wearing the matching suits we bought the other day. He looks better in it than I do, and I'm not really used to the way the trousers (if ur American it's pants) close around my legs, I'm used to the really loose ones I wear at school.

"Well, deal with it." Shoko glances back at me over her shoulder. "I've been waiting to go in a party with you guys." I smile at that.

"Yeah, besides, if I'm drunk you're going to have to drag me out of there, no?" Satoru smirks at me.

"We're still underage, Satoru." I roll my eyes at him. But if I'm being honest we'll probably be drinking a lot today. I don't think I'm a lightweight, but Satoru is one for sure. When he gets only two shots, he starts to dance like a stripper. Don't ask, I just know.

"Come on, I know you've drunk once!" He says as we go into the colorful room. Even though it's dark, the lights around the room is blinding me.

There's a DJ, playing Just My Type by the vamps, and there's a gang of weird dancers on the stage.

"Stop being so stiff, Suguru!" Satoru shouts over the music.

"This is my first club, you know?!" I shout back. Instead of replying, Satoru grabs me and Shoko's hands and pulls us towards a table.

"Stay here!" He says. I look at him go towards the bar, and I know he's getting us shots. Shoko pokes my shoulder to get me attention. I look at her and she says something that I can't hear over the music.

"WHAT?" I scream.

"SO, ANY PROGRESS?" Shoko shouts this time. I shake my head.


"OH" we didn't really talk after that. After a few minutes, Satoru come in with about 6 shots.

"WHY 6?" I ask him. He explains how he wants us to drink two each. But I know that Satorus going to want more, so I decide to only drink one.

"I SEE A HOT GIRL OVER THERE, SEE YA!" Shoko shouts as she takes a shot. She heads towards the 'hot girl' and we lose sight of her eventually.

The music that's blasting in my ears are starting to give me a headache. I look down, and I realise Shoko forgot to take another shot with her. I glance back at Satoru, and the tip of his ears are red. Looks like he's already quite drunk.

"MY CRUSH IS HERE TODAY." Satoru shouts out randomly. He takes another big gulp of his shot.

Oh. That's why he wanted to come here.

"IS THAT SO?" I shout back. He nods drunkenly. He smiles like an idiot, and takes another sip.

"IM GOING TO DANCE A BIT!" Satoru says. I look at the table and I see that he's taken shokos and my other drink. He's already had three?! This is bad. But before I can stop him, he runs towards the dance floor. I try to follow, but a drunk guy bumps into me, and I loose sight of him.

"Damn it." I mutter.

I try to look for him but the dance floor is too damn big. I then try to look for a white haired fluffball that's quite tall. But no, there are plenty of tall people. And I can't see the white haired because of the blue and red lights.

I eventually give up and go back to our table.

"Excuse me?" A girl approaches me, phone in hand. "You're looking nice today, could I have your number?" I can tell she's a little drunk, she was slurring most of her words. 

"Oh, um, hey. I'm sorry, im not taking numbers." I try to politely decline, but she only approaches even further. She's now touching my biceps. Lovely. 

"Come on, i just want a little fun~" She says. How would Satoru react? I've never really been asked  for my number, or even got hit on. 

"Sorry, no thanks-" but before i knew it, she's pulled me into a kiss. I dont like this. This is technically my first kiss, and it's with a girl, which im not attracted to. She tastes like booze, and i can tell she's really bad at kissing. I push her way after processing. 

"Please, get the fuck away from me." I glare down at the now smiling girl. 

"I know you liked it-" she tries to hug me, but a strong arm grabs hers. 

"Suguru said Fuck off, bitch." Satoru pushes the girl away from me, and stands in front of me. He's looking really mad right now. "He's taken, by the way." He lies. 

"Hey, Satoru. Its fine." I try to reassure him, but when he looks at me, his blue eyes make me freeze on the spot. 

"It ain't fine, Suguru." He sighs, then grabs me and we head to the toilet. "You okay?" He asks me once we're in there. He's still obviously drunk, i can tell. He cant really stand up straight right now. 

"I told you, it would've been fine." I assure him. Thank god I'm not drunk. 

"Was that your first?" He whispers

"My first what?" I tilt my head. He looks so vulnerable right now. 

"You're first kiss?" 

This feels like a cliche story. 

A/n: I totally didnt write this is the middle of the night then fell asleep while writing 

Question 3: Who gonna be the top? 

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