Chapter 5 - kiss?!

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It's been a while since me and Satoru has been in the toilets, I'm not letting him get out. He can barely stand, and he's hiccuping a lot.

"How much did you drink in 10 minutes?" I ask as I pinch the bridge of my nose. He needs to stop getting so out of control.

"*hic* Dunno." He replies with a drunken smile. He pauses, leaning on the bathroom sink. "Hey Suguru, did you like getting hit on?" He asked, his voice faltering a bit. He doesn't look at my eyes, a sign of weakness. He is really different when he's drunk. Or rather, more honest.

"Of course I didn't, dummy." I flick his forehead, gently. I smile at him reassuringly.

"Owwww." He complains. Satoru looks over at the mirrors and meets my eye contact. He then squints his eyes shut. "I didn't like it either." He frowns.

"Oh?" I tease him. Looks like Satoru can be cute too, sometimes. Maybe he wanted more attention. "And why?" I dare to ask this drunk tall man. He's only taller than me by a couple centimetres, but I still have to look up at him.

"Beacuseee," he says, leaning towards me a bit. "I love youuuu."

I blink. I then blink again.

Does he like me? Was his crush.. me?

No, no. That can't be possible. It might be that he's mistaking me for his crush. He seems so drunk I bet he can't see straight. Yeah, that's it. Besides, he cant even walk straight right now. But my heart beats loud and fast. The tips of my ears are obviously red, but I try my best to hide it. I've never heard Satoru say the word 'love..'

He's hiding his face, and he looks like he wants to get out of here. 

"Satoru-" you're drunk, is what i wanted to say. But Satoru was already out of the toilet. He was probably going to the dance floor again. I let out a huge sigh, then run after him. I better not leave him again.

I try to look around for him, but i eventually find him on the corner table, not on the dance floor. His head is between his arms. I walk over to him carefully, not to scare him.

"Why did you run off like that?" I ask him, my hands on my hips.

"I told you I liked you." He says, his blue eyes peeking out. His face is red, and I'm not sure if it's out of embarrassment or because he's drunk. "I was gonna say it somewhere romantic.." he whispers, and I barely catch that. He was planning to confess to me? Surely not.

"Suguru, will you go out with me?" He says, now stood up. Thank goodness no one was listening. Okay, i need to wake up. He's not thinking straight.

"Satoru, stop. You're drunk." I tell him, half to myself, too.

"Suguru, i love youuu" he frowns again, his ocean blue eyes looking in mine. (Ehehehe).

"Come on Satoru, let's go home. This is driving me crazy.."

I lower my head down as I proceed to leave the club. This is too much for me, I don't want Satoru to see me, a blushing mess. Satoru follows me, surprisingly not saying anything. We walk out of the club, and I text Shoko saying we'll be going first.

Surprisingly, Satoru seems like he can walk. He walks alongside me, trying to tell me something. 

As soon as we stepped out, however, it was raining cats and dogs. I would've run it, but Satoru shelters me with an umbrella.

"It said it was going to rain today." He says. I smile at him, he can be so thoughtful sometimes. Even when he's going to a party. After the.. event in the corner table, we didn't really talk about it. Or rather, I didn't want to hear what he had to say. We walk along the street, the umbrella protecting us from the rain.

"..Suguru." Satoru says. I look at him, then he kisses me. Kiss?!

 His lips are smooth, and I can tell he doesn't want me to push him back. The kiss was short, but it felt like an eternity. Although his lips tasted like beer, I didn't really mind it. I opened my eyes, and he's looking back at me. His eyes are soft, like his lips. He seems so passionate, I almost want to believe that he wants me too. But this is wrong, he should be doing this with the one he loves. It isn't me, he's just thinking it's the girl he wants. He's drunk, i tell myself for the hundredth time.

When we ended the kiss, Satoru looks into my eyes again. I look away first. I need to end this, he doesn't understand that he's drunk.

"Satoru, you're drunk. You don't like me, you like your crush." I say as I push his arms off mine.

Before he can respond, I drag him wordlessly towards the high school.

He's calling my name, telling me to respond, but I just don't. He can't see my tears. He doesn't like me. He doesn't. He's going to regret it tomorrow. Why am i feeling so emotional, is it because i'm drunk, too? But that doesn't matter right now. I need to be what i always is. Someone who's strong, someone who helps others, not the other way round. 

We arrive at the dorms, and I close my door before Satoru even gets the chance to talk. Satoru tries to talk to me, bit i lean against my door, not wanting to hear any of it. He's sad, i can tell. His voice, his sweet voice says my name over and over. 

He eventually goes to his dorm, and he's silent. I slide down my door, my body red. My hands trace my lips, remembering the kiss.

Satoru, you're too perfect.

Hopefully he doesn't remember anything tomorrow.

A/n: I know, it's quite messy. Idk, it's 12am. I was going to add smut, but I realized I'm probably really bad at it. 💀. HAPPY HALLOWEEN BTW 🎃

Question 4: favorite anime? 

P.s: Gojos the top 🤠

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