Chapter 3 - Invitation

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"Seriously? A party?" I raise an eyebrow at Satoru.

"Come on, it's not shady at all!" He pleads.

"Uh, yes it is. Some random, drunk high schooler came to you and invited you to a party."

"So? We should have fun once in a while!" I suppose that's somewhat true.

"But it doesn't mean we should go to a party with strangers." as fun, it may sound, it could be dangerous. Especially since the Satoru has a habit of getting in trouble.

"Please? I won't go to random girls. besides, they are in high school. They may be around our age but I really won't hit on them. I beg you, let's have a little bit of fun!" If Satoru wants something, it'll end up his.

"Fine. We're only going to stay for two hours, alright?"

Satoru grins and nods like an idiot. He can be such a child sometimes.

According to him, the party's in three days. And before that, I need to get some clothes for it. If I'm being honest, I've never been to a party, so I never had the need to buy fancy clothes. This is a good opportunity. Satoru obviously has plenty, considering how he just got easily 'lured' into a party. And he looks like the type to have basically everything. He's also in one of the three main families in the jujutsu world, so he's probably really rich.

"I'm going to go shopping for the clothes then." I tell Satoru as I stand up. "I was planning to get a suit, actually."

"Let me come with you, I want a new suit too." He stands up as well and follows me towards the entrance. "I have a place in mind."

"Don't have have enough?" I give Satoru a 'Don't spend too much money everyday' look.

"It's fine, I want to be matching."

"And why is that?" I ask him as we arrive at the train station.

"So everyone would know we're together." He winks. My face blushed beet red, and thank god he didn't see since he was entering the train. He needs to stop this flirting.

"We're not together, Satoru." I tell him once I regain my composure.

"I know, I know. I was a joke." he giggles. I sigh. I shouldn't have expected much anyway.

We chat as usual in the train, about who knows what. We're sitting right next to each other, taking up about four seats in total. It's not like the train was that crowded anyway.

"Suguru, I'm planning to confess to my crush soon." He says out of nowhere. I look at Satoru and he's serious, for once. He's in a normal position.

"Oh? Is that so?" I say. I got to push my feelings aside, and I need to be happy for him. "I'm sure It'll work out, somehow." I reassure him.

"Yeah. I want to but I'm not really sure yet." Satoru sighs as he leans on the window. "Oh, there's our station." He says as he bounces up. He acts as if the conversation didn't happen on the way.

There are plenty of girls eyeing him as we walk around, per usual. Some even stopped to take a picture. Satoru, being the prideful man he is, accepted them eagerly. I was in the shadow, not wanting anything to do with that. After about the twentieth, Satoru finally realised he was making us waste time. He apologised to the couple (queue more like) of girls, and we hurried to the shop. It was closing in 20 minutes, damn it Satoru.

We arrive in front of the expensive looking shop, and im having doubts.

"I dont think i can afford even a tie, Satoru. Why here?" Of course Satoru wouldn't be spending even 1/100 of his money, but i was from a normal family with no luxury.

"Well, I'll buy it for you, if you want." He grins as we walk into the shop.

"Irashaimasen!" A employee bows down as we enter. "It's nice to see you again, Gojo-sama." She smiles.

"You've been here before?" I whisper to him.

"Yeah, I get some of my clothes from here." He glances back at me as I blink. He's that rich?!

"Suguru! Hurry up! What about this one?" He ushers me over as he holds up a five hundred thousand yen suit.

"You think I can afford that?" I raise my eyebrow at him.

"Like I said, I'll buy it for you!" He flashes me a smile again, acting like the suit was only 10000000 yen (Idk what's expensive or not).

"I'll just head to a much cheaper store-" I try to leave, but Satoru drags me back. I end up staying, but I refuse to let him buy me a suit.

"Alright, why don't u get you the suit, and you can buy the ties for us?" Satoru tries for the 20th time. Although the ties are expensive, it is within my budget. And by budget I mean it's basically all of my money.

"..alright, but I won't be able to buy you sweets, I'm basically going to be broke." I blow on my bang, only for it to land on the same spot again.

"Okay!" Satoru grins again.

We end up buying matching suits, what Satoru wanted.

"Are you sure I don't need to pay you back?" I asked Satoru. I still feel bad since it was about 20 million yen in total.

"Like I said, don't worry about it" Satoru sighs. "It's only a bit of my money." Seriously, he has a godly amount of money.

We head back to the school after we look around, and Satoru buys some sweets. Like always. I wonder why Satoru wanted matching clothes.

" Are we gonna invite shoko?" I asked Satoru as I remember her.

He freezes and looks at me , and I can tell he totally forgot about her.

"We can tell her about it as soon as we get back.." he lets out a nervous chuckle.

I can't tell if the party is going to be really fun, or it's gonna end up in a catastrophe.

A/n: hey guys, I might not be able to upload every week since i'm going to start again school soon. Thanks for picking this up! 

Question 2: Multishipper or no? 

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