Happy Epilogue II

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A/n: damn the votes on the previous chapter blew up the day I posted! I love you all.


In the car, it was silent. Tense, overwhelming.

On the way to the tech, it was silent. The only sound to be heard was footsteps.

I felt very very awkward. The girls were holding my hands the entire time, gripping it tightly. At least they seem to be trusting me. I could feel Satoru's gaze on me every so often, and I would try my best to pretend I didn't notice. The girls probably noticed the tension, as they would stare at Satoru when he stared at me. They made it even more awkward.

"You okay?" He asks me once we arrive at the front gate. He seems a bit distracted, but mainly in a hurry. But he still looked concerned for me.

"..yeah. Are you okay?" I ask him back, tilting my head. "You look distracted." He looks like he was about to say nothing's wrong, but he hesitates again. He closes his mouth again and looks at me directly.

"On the mission today.." He starts, and he looks.. happy? I couldn't really tell. "I brought a kid with me today. Well, he's not here right now, but i basically took him in. I was just going say this was a coincidence that we both took in children." He babbles on, and gives me a big smile. He's the same as always. I couldnt resist, and i smiled back.

"That's good." I look at the two girls again. "What're your names? I realized i never asked for them." I bend my knees to match their height and squeeze their hands. Gently.

"Nanako ." The blonde haired replied immediately, signaling her sister to do the same.

"M-Mimiko." She replies soon after. I ruffle their hair as i stand back up.

"They're very lovely." I smile at them, and they both glow up then giggle to each other. They're already better, i can tell. I smile to myself as we head inside.

We walk towards the principal's office first, heading towards Yaga. He would probably take care of the girls, better than i do. As we enter, Yaga jumps up and starts to shout, but then sees the girls behind me.

"Okay. What the f-"

"There's children here, Yaga." Satoru says, crossing his arms.

Yaga sighs then flops down onto his chair again.

"Let me try again. Why. Are. There. Children?" He doesn't seem mad, he just seems curious but trying to act mad. "Are they the curse users I was talking to you about?" He turns his attention to me and his gaze softens.

I nod in response, and gently push the girls into Yaga's direction. "He's going to take care of you whenever I'm not there, okay?" I tell the girls, and I look up again at Yaga, looking flabbergasted. "Please." I add. The girls look at Yaga nervously and glance back at me. I give them my best smile and a thumbs up. Mimiko, the blonde one, grabs Nanako's hand and smiles, and they walk slowly towards him. After one last glance, Yaga sighs and kneels down to the girls' height. He smiles.

"Hey there. I wont hurt you. I hope we can be good friends." He says, holding out two hands for the two. They smile warmly and grabs his hands. They're already warming up to them, that's good.

I would've liked to see more of this wholesome event but Satoru taps my shoulder and points towards the door with his head. With a confused look i follow him, telling the girls I'll be back in a second.

"What's up?" I ask him as we enter a classroom, empty of course. He leans back an against a desk and i sit on one, facing Satoru. I tell him to go on and fiddle with the desk awkwardly.

"Listen, about the phone call." He purses his lips and looks at me, his sunglasses covering his blue eyes (When did he put them on?). He visibly struggles with his words and gulps his mouth like a fish. "I- I never knew." He finally says, dropping the eye contact last minute. "I thought that since we were the strongest you would be fine, i just wanted to apologise for not noticing, for not considering your feelings." He grabs his nape sheepishly and avoids eye contact still, the tip of his ears red in embarrassment.

" it's fine. It's my fault for not reaching out to you. And Shoko." I add. He looks at me again through his sunglasses and I can see his eyes glistening. I make a shocked face and open my mouth in shock, but quickly recovered. "Hehe, you were crying?" I tease him as he wipes his tears away with his sleeve. He grumbles some inaudible words.

" Don't scare me like that again." He pouts. He can be so cute sometimes.

"I won't." I smile at him.

So, I guess our friendship is now all patched up. I want to be happy. I should be happy. But I still feel empty. I want to be way more than friends. Not best friends, but lovers. I've fallen for him over and over, and when I look at him I fall in love with him all over again. Over and over.

Those blue eyes, bright even behind those sunglasses. His unique white hair, making him stick out from the crowd, you would know he wasn't the usual Japanese guy on the streets. With his cocky personality however, only a few stayed. But still, he always attracts a ton of girls walking down the street. They would always ask for photos, and he would oblige happily.

"Hmm, am i that interesting?" He says, leaning his head on his palm. I go bright red as I realise I've been staring at him the whole time.

"Ah." I stutter, making his stupid grin get wider. "I was just daydreaming." I say, hoping it would stop him from getting the wrong idea. But no, it made it worse.

Instead of moving on, his eyes perked with interest, and I swear he blushed for a second.

"Daydreaming?" he snickers, covering his mouth with his hands (very annoyingly). If possible, my face gets even redder, and I groan into my hands. "About me?"

"You're impossible" but I didn't mean that.

"Hmm, that's why you love me." I flinch at his words, then quickly realise he meant it as a joke. This day is becoming more and more embarrassing. "You okay? I've never seen you this red before." He chuckles at my expression, and to be honest, I don't mind it. I haven't had this much fun or talked with Satoru in a while. It's really soothing to see satoru laugh and tease me.

Why would I ever think about leaving this man behind? This man who made such a huge impact on my life. This man whom I have fallen in love with.

I'm not leaving you, not again.

EDIT: about that.. this is the second part. There will be another third part because why not. Sorrryyyy for confusing y'all. Anyway see you in the next chapter

You'll never love me / satosuguWhere stories live. Discover now