Chapter 7 - Misson

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"You two are going to be assigned on a mission, it's a special grade curse. You'll be able to handle it." Principal Yaga says, holding a piece of paper. Well, It's been a while since we've been on a mission. Together, at least. "You'll be protecting some important people in the Jujutsu world." He tries to explain, but Satoru cuts him off.

"We can finish it already, then let's get some cake." Satoru says. I sigh. Although we are strong enough, we need to be careful sometimes.

Yaga gives me the piece of information, and we head towards the train station, as always. We don't like getting dropped off, we prefer walking. Besides, we get more privacy. We buy our tickets, and I realise they're becoming quite expensive. But Satoru has an endless amount, so he pays for me before I can refuse. As we sit down once we get on, he starts to go on about how he wants his cake.

"Hmm, I'll have plenty of icing, some sweet strawberries inside, and chocolate on top-"

"You know, you need to be more careful, Satoru." I glance at him, catching a glimpse of his blue eyes, looking back at me. "You can't always assume that we'll make it out of there unscathed." I quiet my voice so that people around can't hear.

"Well, it'll be over in seconds." He says, putting his arms around the seats. "We're the strongest." He looks at me head on this time, tilting his head. He has a smile on his face, and it makes me smile too.

Yeah, we are. I'm glad he acknowledges me, the prodigy of the Gojo clan.

I'm so glad we are best friends.

But I wish it was more-

Never mind. I don't need that. I think. We can stay as friends, and we can forget about what happened.

"Suguru?" Satoru's voice allows me to bring my self back from my thoughts. I nod, telling him to go on. "Are you sure I didn't do anything on the day of the party? I know I did something.. important. Not helping you from getting hit on, but something between me and you?" He furrows his eyebrows, concentrating. I feel the tips of my ears go warm as I begin to realise he is staring to remember. He better not think about it too often.

"Like I said, no. Nothings happened." I assure him. He nods, and goes back to whatever he was doing. I better change the conversation. I, being a great friend with no other reason to tell him, decide to explain to Satoru about the people we are protecting. Because he would obviously forget. "This time we are assigned to help the household, living close to the special grade." I explain to him. I can tell he's rolling his eyes.

"And what household?" He huffs.

"The Riko household-" I try to explain, but Satoru choked on air, and goes into a coughing fit. "Are you okay?" I say I pat his back gently, and he coughs a couple more times, bowing his head. He coughs one more time then whips his head to face me, eyes wide. He seems, I don't know, worried? Distressed? I can't tell.

"Riko?!" He shouts, then lowers his voice as a couple people begin to stare. "As in Amanai?"

I register what he says, and realisation dawns on me.

Oh. Of course.

His girlfriend. EX girlfriend. They broke up ages ago. About one or two years.

The reason for the break up? Well, I don't really remember. I think it was something to do with Amanai being mad about someone that got more attention than her. I still don't know who.

But anyway, after the break up, we never really saw her again. I was never really close with her, I just stuck around Satoru. So, we thought there would be no more encounters. Or so we thought.

As we stood in front of the fancy looking estate, we glance at each other, half because we were surprised at how rich they were, and half because we never knew that Amanai was part of the jujutsu world. She always seemed really normal to me.

Since Satoru seems hesitant, I ring the doorbell for him. He still jumps at that, and he looks quite nervous. He hasn't seen his ex in ages. They did end on bad terms, so i don't really know how it will go.

"Hello?" a voice asks through the cams. "Who is it?" Judging by the voice it's not Amanai, she seems older. Probably her mom then.

"Hello, we are the two sorcerers that were sent here to protect you and your daughter." I explain. There is silence for a while, then she gives us a quick come in and opens the gate.

"Wow, it might be even bigger than your estate." I tease Satoru, but I know he's way more richer than that. He rolls his eyes in response, and we head into the gates.

"Hello, you must be Geto and Gojo?" A maid appears. Misato, I remember her. She used to be super close with amanai, she was great at martial arts. "Welcome, it's been a while." She says with a smile. I reply with a quick hello, and she escorts us towards the living room. The entire place is huge, the ceiling about 7 meters high. I looked around, surprised.

"Amanai never told she was involved in Jujutsu." Satoru says, tone annoyed. He never likes it when someone keeps things from him.

"About that, she only found out about it a couple weeks ago, when her cursed energy allowed her to see the curses (I don't really know how it works sorry)." Misato explains, opening some doors.

"So, something to do with her 'awakening' made the special grade attack you?" I guessed. She turns around, looking quite surprised.

"Yes.. how did you know?" She asks, regaining her posture. I shrug in response.

"Just a guess." I explain. She gives me a glance, then proceeds to walk again.

"You're quite smart, aren't you?" I can tell she's smiling. "You will be a great help to lady Amanai."

"Hey, we get the exact grades!" Satoru jumps in, talking for the first time in a while. He seems quiet today.

"Haha, alright." She responds, amused. "You guys sure are close."

"Well duh, we're the best." Satoru says.

"Then, after ages of going through the humongous mansion, we arrive at what they call the living room. Misato opens the doors for the last time, and we enter to see Amanai and her mom.

A/n: I'll leave it there 🤭🤭

Question 7: Any recommendations? I would love every one of them!!

 Sorry if this is short, the next one is going to be longer. Also, I apologize for the really bad smut I did the last chapter. It wasn't even smut. But it's still bad. Anyway, thank you so much for the person who recommended how Amanai was Gojos ex, that set a fire in my head! Thank you @JyotirmoyRoy7!

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