Chapter 9 - Arguments

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Satoru handled it like he always did. He knocked out the clone dude, and now we're at the estate again. Or should i say we decided to meet up there. They haven't arrived yet, odd. Satoru could just run here in seconds. We sat down in the living room, but as soon as I contacted the chair the door burst open, an angry Satoru coming in, with Amanai chasing after him. I stood up again, going towards Satoru.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask him as he avoids Amanai as much as possible.

Before he got a chance to speak, however, Amanai spoke out first.

"Come on, I know we ended in bad terms." She says, eyes pleading.



She wanted Satoru back.

"Please, just one more go!" She asks. Misato looks mildly confused. Looks like she knew nothing about this. "I know we ended on bad terms." She looks at Satoru straight in the eyes. She actually seems like she wants him back, she probably does.

"I told you, i like someone. And I don't like you like that anymore." He pinches the bridge of his nose, eyebrows furrowing. He still looked hot, but now's not the time.

"But, we could still have a go at this. I know, you don't like me. I don't care if it's one sided! I still love you, and it was my fault that i was not a great person back then, but i still love you. Seriously." She said in a voice that makes me want to calm down and give in, her tone was so soothing, it sounded professional, practiced. She can be so mysterious sometimes.

Then i snap out of my trance. I need to stop this argument, it's getting annoying.

"Wait, you want him back?" I ask Amanai, stepping in between them and interrupting the tense conversation going on. She looks at me for a fraction, then looks at Satoru again, then look back. She stops, straightening her posture, then glared at me.

"Of course. You're with him, aren't you?" Confused, i turned to face my best friend. Satoru glanced at me, eyes desperately saying 'help me out here, do whatever.' "After 2 years, you still like him?"

Has she figured it out? Was my first thought. But, I realized, Amanai was staring at not me, but Satoru. As Amanai stared intensely, he stared back, wavering every so slightly. He stiffens, letting his guard up. I never thought i would see that kind of reaction from Satoru. Does he know how i feel like?

"What? I've never liked him." The 'him' part was merely a whisper, but the silence in the room allowed it to cover the room. It's convincing enough for me even and even though it was only a mere whisper, i felt my heart break into a million pieces. He's never liked me, and never will. He hasn't shown interest in me, I'm certain. He doesn't like me.

"See, he's never liked me." My voice cracked. "And, he doesn't want you. So I'm afraid we will have to work as accomplices, but if you try to make a move I'm afraid you wont be protected anymore. Sorry, but let's talk about this situation later. After the mission." I can't show my weakness to him. Them. I can't change his feelings. He doesn't like me.

"..Whatever." Amanai puffs, giving us a strip of paper each. "My number. We can talk about this after the mission, okay?"

She obviously wanted to talk more about this. But she didn't, thankfully.

We walked to the station in silence. We rode the train in silence. We walked through the gates in silence. Actually, we spoke once.

"Are you okay?" I had asked him. "The fight, did you get hurt?"

"No. Don't think so." For once, he didn't have anything to say after that. We didn't talk for the rest of the day.

We headed towards our dorm, and i held the door open for Satoru, then I realized he went to his own. It felt weird, it feels like we've fallen out, but also didn't

I knew i never had a chance, i knew i never had an opportunity with him. I knew i could never had Satoru. I knew it, yet i hoped. I hoped so hard, hoped he would look at me like i look at him. I hoped he would hold my hand. I hoped he got butterflies around me like i did. But all that hoping was always a lie. Hope, i say, is a fantasy.

Hope, is never going to be on my side.

He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like me.

A/n: i tried to upload as fast as i could, I'm sorry if it was a bit late for you guys. I wanted to say thank you so much for all the votes and even the comments, i love readin them so much!!! This will be the start of Geto's depression stage, but idk if it should be a happy ending 🤡

Question 9: Favorite quote?

You'll never love me / satosuguWhere stories live. Discover now