Chapter 10 - Toji

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Toji. His name was even more bitter than the tastes of my curses. He ruined our lives - actually - just mine. Satoru thrived after the incident, he became a different person. He became the strongest. Sent out on multiple missions, alone. He could handle them all. He still can.

It was a year ago, a whole year when i thought he was gone. My Satoru. A whole year after the 'incident.'

"I'll be fine. Go." Satoru looks at me, with those eyes really meaning it. How could I say no? But, he got stabbed. But we need to prioritise Amanai.

After a moment of hesitation, i nodded at him, then ran towards amanai and misato, shouting at them to run towards the place. Satoru will be fine. He said it himself. 

"Gojo Satoru is dead."

The man that attacked us right in front of the gates of the school was standing in front of me. The person who definitely has no cursed energy, the person who has seen Satoru before, someone who knows who Amanai is. Someone who is strong enough to break through the barrier.

Someone that killed Satoru..

No, that can't be true, he said he would take care of it. He said he would deal with whoever this is. Toji, was it? There is physically no way he beat Satoru. Besides he has limitless. The six eyes. He has it. He's fine. Snapping out of my thoughts, I immediately covered amanai, standing in front of her. Amanai has to be his target.

"He's not dead." I tell him, trying to be confident. But my voice wavered, bringing a shitty smirk to the homeless guy's face. Well, i think he's homeless.

Anyway, back to the topic, he brought a gun up, and pointed it at me.

"Well, I'm pretty sure i stabbed him, a very long bloody line." He said, not a sign of guilt, instead an expression of.. pleasure? I grimaced, imagining how Satoru would look like. All messy, no light in his eyes, blood on his beautiful face- I'm not liking this guy one bit. As he fired his gun, I barely dodged it in time, summoning a curse, my dragon. It's basically my most powerful one, but considering how i let out my worm, and how it got taken down in seconds, i need to make sure i dont waste the curses that aren't in Toji's league. Also, I couldn't help it, i was too mad. He shouldn't have stabbed Satoru. He was lying, he didn't. He didn't kill Satoru. I was certain. 

The fight began, and he shot three more shots. I dodged a few, by centimeters, and the dragon covered one. Considering the look of the gun, it had 6 bullets inside it in total. He's already fired 4. Two more to go.

He aimed for my head, and i ducked down as he clicked. Five.

I ran, sideways, and i summoned my manta curse and shot it at Amanai, then she quickly got the message. She hopped on, and I instructed it to fly as far away from here as possible. With a yelp, Amanai disappeared through the way we came back. Toji noticed this and I summoned another curse to block the way. An effective one, hopefully. He stopped, and grunted, a bit frustrated. He isn't going for Amanai anymore, good.

He turned back around, shooting the shot as he whipped around. This guy has good instincts. The last shot, he fired, and i dodged it easily. I'm suddenly glad i did close up combat training. 

That's six. I ran towards him, certain that the gun had run out. He aimed the gun at me again, but threw it down once he realized it didn't have anymore bullets. I sprinted towards him, my dragon coming along.

There, he's so close. Just another step and i can get him-

I blinked, and he was gone. 

He's fast! I whipped my head around, instructing my curse to cover for me. He was right behind me, a ridiculous smirk on him. He had his sword out, aiming for me. The curse intercepted as i ducked down, and he jumped a few feet back, into the maze. I huffed, my bang moving with the flow of air. I had missed my chance. The dragon's condition seemed fine, so it should be able to continue fighting. 

I walked slowly, not letting my guard down. I need to plan this. He's already defeated -not killed- Satoru, and i need to make sure he's alright as soon as i get over this. I need to make sure Amanai made it. Hopefully Misato too.

I need to think about the advantages and disadvantages in this fight. He is strong, and the little worm around him provides him with something. Probably weapons. He didnt have his sword a minute ago. Besides, i could track the worm to get him. That's one good thing.

I closed my eyes, concentrating on the presence of the curse. But I couldn't get it. It wasnt there..?

I opened my eyes again, and tried to look around for Toji. He has no cursed energy and incredible physical strength and speed. This will be a gamble. Do i go into the maze and try to pin him down? Or do i try to buy more time to let Amanai and possibly Minato out?

I ran in, deciding to let go of my plans. You need to be a bit crazy to achieve what you want. Besides, i need to go, fast. I need to hurry.

I spotted him, and i absorbed my curse again. I'll shoot it out at him once he's caught off guard. He needs to reveal everything he's planning, i need to find out what is going to happen to Amanai if we don't make it out successfully. I looked at him closely, and i realized the worm was gone again. Where is he hiding it?

"What are your intentions?" I ask him, walking at the same pace he is. We pass the doors, and i cant help but be worried he would disappear every time we pass one. I just have to risk it. I maintain the eye contact, and he gives me an amused side eye.

"To get money." He replied simply. I could tell he didnt really care about Amanai, except for the fact that she was a vital part in his mission. A way to get more money. 

"Then why are you targeting Amanai?" I ask him, eyes narrowing. "Why not go for someone who isn't part of the Jujutsu world? It would be a piece of cake." 

"I can't leave it." He says. "I'm not from a non-jujutsu family like you. Im entangled in it already. Im a Zen'in." My eyes widen. Of course. I have heard about this man. Toji Zen'in, now known as Toji Fushiguro. 

"Ho?" He chuckled. "You've realized? Well, it doesn't matter. Besides, all i need is money. I dont need anything else." He says, and as we pass another door, he spits out something. 

We pass the door, and i see that the worm, the thing he just spat out, was inside him. How? I dont know. Maybe a bit more like my technique, but i can never be sure. It increased in size, and eventually ended up like it did a couple minutes ago. 

The bug, if i can just get it-

Aaaaannnnndddd that's how i ended up getting a cross slashed in my chest after being so rational. Andddd that is also how I ended up seeing Satoru in the weirdest state ever, telling me some weird shit. And with Amanai successfully 'merged' with Tengen. That's how i messed up my life. It was all good until then. 

But now, my life is not the same. And i have a feeling it would never be like this. 

Satoru has become the strongest.

He got sent out on missions a lot, and Shoko was never sent on dangerous ones, so that would mean i went on them too.

All i had to do was absorb them.

Exorcise, devour, absorb.

Over and over.. 

A/n: sorry, i got a teensy bit lazy at the last part. Anyway, I am trying to figure out if this should be a happy ending or not. I know you all want a happy one, but you never know... 

Question 10: Is Toji hot

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