Chapter 8 - Mission, Step two

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"Hello, it's been a while, Gojo." Her mom greets Satoru immediately as we walk in. I look back just in case, and I realize Misato disappeared. She can be quick.

"Hello Mrs. Riko." Satoru says, very uninterested. She allows us to sit down, and we do so. The atmosphere is quite tense, probably because Riko wasn't talking. She seems to look a lot more still, rather than two years ago, where she would always jump around. I don't talk, because I don't think I would be fit for this conversation.

Especially because i am having doubts about my feelings for Satoru, and his EX is right in front of me.

I get a proper look at her, and i got to admit I understand why Satoru got with her. She's really beautiful, with beautiful blue eyes, a lot more navy than Satoru's ocean like ones. Buy hey, I'm just a guy who's gay, and I've never understood what it feels like to like a girl. So I recommend you don't ask me for a dating advice.

"Uhm," Riko finally starts, her voice soft. "Im really sorry for all the trouble, its because my cursed energy lured a lot of high grades. We still don't really know why, but it's something to do with my ancestors." She explains, not taking her eyes off her shoes. She really doesn't seem like the girl Satoru was dating two years ago. Well, we all mature eventually. Satoru really seems like he doesn't want to be here, his posture isn't as 'offending to the grown ups' like it always is. The awkward tension between Satoru and Amanai is huge. Even Mrs. Riko seems to notice. She clears her throat, probably to try and find another conversation to start.

"So, it's been a while, Satoru." Mrs. Riko says. She looks quite happy to see him again, i think. I bet he had an impact on Amanai's popularity and reputation.

"Yes, it has. It's really nice to see you as beautiful as ever." Satoru flashes her a smile. He's always been the type to flirt, and he was always only nice to Amanai's mom. Maybe because she always was happy to see him, and never talked about what he didn't like. Either way, Mrs. Riko is really special.

"Hehe, why thank you." She giggles, putting her hand on her cheek. She then straightens up, becoming a little more serious. "Well, anyway. We don't have much time."

We both glance at each other, knowing that Yaga had told us this was going to be a serious mission. I put down my tea as she starts to talk.

"There is a very powerful curse, that was in the shadows until not long ago. I don't know what exactly, but there has been rumors that it has been around for centuries, occasionally targeting one of the strong Plasma Vessels, AKA Amanai."

I freeze, trying to register what she just said.

"Plasma Vessel?!" I shout at the same time as Satoru. I've never even imagined Amanai would be a plasma vessel, she was always so.. carefree. Besides, you would know by birth that you're a plasma vessel, so why would she not get targeted?

"Yes, a Plasma Vessel. She's very important, as you can see. But, we decided to keep her hidden by pretending we knew nothing of the jujutsu world. But I'm afraid it's too late, she's already awakened her cursed energy."

"But cursed techniques are usually awakened at the age of four to six." I ask her, and she nods.

"That's right. But since she's the Plasma Vessel, she won't be able to do the techniques or that sort. She will only be able to have the cursed energy. Or rather much more than the normal human possesses."

This is mildly confusing. I've never heard of someone who has a massive amount of cursed energy not geto a cursed technique. I suppose there are plenty of humans with a lot of cursed energy, but they mostly get a cursed technique. Satoru looks just as confused, staring a bit too hard at Amanai. She returns the eye contact, and she looks a little in a daze. Does she like Satoru..?

"Alright then, I'll assign you guys to protect Amanai at all costs. She has to go to her school, and you could pose as transfer students there for a couple days. You have about a week to exorcise the curse." She tells us, standing up. We do the same, and she smiles at Amanai. "It'll be fine."

Amanai returns the smile with a weak one. She seems nervous. I mean, she's getting targeted by a potential special grade curse.

We arrive at the front gate of the school. I've never really heard about this school, maybe because we live in the mountains. It looks fancy, but not too private school like. Amanai already went to her classes, a while ago.

"Well this school looks normal." Satoru says, looking bored. He has way too high standards. I sigh, and I follow Satoru as he walks through the gates. Satoru follows the traces of her cursed energy. He's better at that than anyone else.

"It's a lesson time, isn't it?" I ask him as we walk side by side.


That's when a bullet zips past us, Satoru dodging it by a millimetre.

"Man, I thought I got you." A man chuckles, and we turn around to see a guy holding a gun. He has a box on his head, and I can see only one of his eyes. Satoru giggles, making the man look a bit confused. I smile back, and I know he can handle this. But I should take this-

A broom falls on the box head violently, and the man turns around to see misato in a fighting stance.

"You'll not go near miss Amanai."

Then she moves the broom like it's a sword, and it hits the Box head in multiple areas. I glance at Satoru and signal him to go. He nods, and he runs off, towards the church, I make a mental note.

I summon a curse, making it tie the guy to the floor.

"There." I pick up my phone as it rings, Satoru's name popping up. I answer, and lean the phone against my shoulders.

"Alright, I've got Amanai." He says into the phone, a faint yelp from Amanai could be heard too.

"Be gentle." I told him, but he probably wouldn't. "So, where are you?"

"I'm running towards.. I don't know. Just running." I sigh internally.

"Alright. We should meet up somewhere." I say as the box head decides to dissolve. Me and Misato share a glance "there could be more." I tell her.


"Not you, Satoru. I'll head over there." I start to run the realise Misato would be left alone. "Never mind. You can handle it, right?"

"Hah? Are you mocking me? We're the strongest. Of course I'm fine."

A/n: I kinda changed the plot, I decided to not kill Amanai. So, there will be more ex stuff next chapter, hopefully. This is taking a while, I thought it would be about 10 chapters, but I'm no where close to finishing it 😆

Question 8: What quote broke your heart the most? 

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