Chapter 2 - His crush?

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"Satoru, why does it have to be my dorm?" I complain to the White haired, that is currently laying very comfortably on my bed.

"Ehh, is it no good?" he replies, moving his head from his GameBoy to look at me. He does this basically every day, but I guess I don't really mind.

"..Whatever I guess." I sigh, then look at anything but Satoru. Lately it's been hard to make eye contact with my best friend, and I hate myself for that. It should be easy to try to move on, but I guess you can't. It's Gojo Satoru after all.

"Hey.. do you know what Shoko and the others were talking about?" He says after about five minutes.

"No, I don't think so." So he realised too. I think I do know what's going on actually. It's probably about me and Satoru. If Satoru knew he probably wouldn't have asked me, so he must know something is going on, but doesn't know what.

"Alright. They're being really suspicious though." Satoru says, eyes never leaving the GameBoy. "I have another question."

"Yeah?" I reply, while reaching for a book.

"What's your type?" I nearly drop the books. Half because He's never really talked about.. romance before, and half because i immediately thought of Satoru.

"Someone who has a sweet smile, trusts and loves me unconditionally." I try to keep my heart from beating too fast. I hope I didn't give away too much. Satoru remains silent, and I'm not sure if he's focusing on his game or thinking really hard.

"I see." he says after another two minutes.

"Why?" I ask.

"Nothing just wondering why are you don't have a girlfriend yet." I let out a small laugh.

"What about you? I bet tons of girls confess to you." it's true, I've witnessed about 10.

"I've lost count. I'm not interested in them because I like someone." He's stopped playing on his GameBoy and turned to face me.

"Oh really?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. I may look curious on the outside, but im dying inside. This is making my heart throb. Damn it. He obviously had someone. 

"Yeah. I've liked them for a while now." The tip of Satoru's ears are red. This is new, I've never seen him like that. The girl must be really special..

"I won't tell you who, just because." That makes me feel a lot worse. Is it because I don't know who she is?

I really need to start moving on, he's way out of my league.

After that conversation, Satoru goes back to his GameBoy, and i try to concentrate on my book, but i obviously cant.

Who does Satoru like? She's probably really pretty.


"He likes someone??" Shoko gawks at me again. We're in the outdoors, and shokos smoking again. Satoru's on a solo mission, which hasn't happened in a while. But i guess that's a good thing. "Oh my god, the drama between you two." She sighs.

"Shoko, what were you and the others talking about the other day?" I ask in attempt to change topic. Although i didnt really expect anything, Shoko jolts. And now im 100% certain they're planning something.

"What're you talking about.. hehe." She avoiding my eye contact. I give her a look.

"Well then? Tell me."

"Ugh, fine. I we were planning to get you and Satoru together."

"And why would you do that?" I say as i quirk an eyebrow.

"Because i am- or should I say was- 55% certain that he liked you back."

"Yeah, no. That's never going to happen." Even 55% is way to low.

"Well, since he told you he liked someone, the chance is reduced to 30%." She stamps out her cigarette. "Do you have any idea who it is?"

I think for a while, concentrating.

"Not really, i dont know any girl who's been in contact with Satoru for a while." He would always refuse their numbers. 

"Did he say it was a girl?" Shoko gives me a questioning face. When i recall the conversation, i realise he's said "they" the whole time.

"..i guess not, but it would naturally be a girl right?" I can't imagine Satoru liking boys, he's the straightest person ever. Maybe.

"Hmm, I'm not so sure. The person he likes could be in jujutsu tech, right? Either in our year or above." Shokos getting onto something.

"I mean, i guess? But if im being honest I've never asked him about Romance and relationships." I admit to Shoko. She smiles.

"Alright then, I'll try to find out who Satoru likes." She waves me off before i can complain. She doesn't need to.. 

I go back to my dorm eventually, and i start to miss Satoru. He would always barge in through the door and make himself at home. 

Nope, i need to stop. No more daydreaming. I need to move on from him. 

But how?! He's just.. him. 

I  was about to take a shower when my phone ringed. I pick it up and i see that its Satoru. I can't refuse.


SG = gojo

GS = Geto 


SG = Hey. I'm bored, y did it have to be only me?? 

GS: concentrate on ur mission, Satoru. 

SG = and y would i do that?  

GS = Bc it's ur mission?!

SG = its so boring without u

My heart starts beating. 

GS = get over it 

SG = come on, i know u miss me too. 

Is he.. flirting? 

GS = i really dont 

SG = well I'll bring u souvenirs for u

GS =  ur going to buy sweets and eat them all, aren't u. 

SG = ack, u know me so well. 

GS = go back to ur mission, igtg 

SG = hmph, ill finish it quickly 

end of text

I smile as i let down my phone. He's so cut- 

Okay, time to shower. 


A/n: I hope ur enjoying this, i really poured my heart into it. Ill add some questions for fun at the end. 

Question 1: whats ur favorite Jjk ship? 

You'll never love me / satosuguWhere stories live. Discover now