Epilogue of Angst ending

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Ten years later


The strongest. I am the strongest. And i will be for the rest of my life, probably. The strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer, always protecting everyone. 

But i was not always the strongest. It was a we, not an i. It used to be always me and Suguru. We were the strongest. Thinking back on it, i was really a stupid jerk. I didn't even notice my best friend was going through depression. If i could travel back in time, i would tell myself to take care of him. I would tell him to try harder. I would comfort Suguru. And maybe, if i had, he would've stayed, he wouldn't have left. He wouldn't leave me. But one thing i regret the most..

is that I didn't tell him about my love for him, i only had noticed after he was gone.

I wish to have told him, i wish to had realized. I should've thought more about him, I should've had a break from the amount of missions. I should've stayed close to him. Now, all thanks to my stupidity, Sugu- Geto is now a most wanted curse user. He's very dangerous, and most of the sorcerers - such as me - are assigned to kill him on sight. He has a death penalty.

But would I really be able to? Could i really kill the love of my life with my own hands? I think not. Because Satoru Gojo is a weakling when it comes to Suguru Geto. He.. changed me. He changed my perspective on humans, he changed my life. He changed everything. But it looks like I couldn't change him. It always feel like I could've done something more.

The principal, Yaga, told me and Shoko that maybe it was fated that he would become a curse user. He would absorb the curses, and he would feel the horrible things it's made out of. He would taste them and deal with them for the rest of his life.

Why was he 'gifted' such a terrible cursed technique?

After my last meeting with Geto in front of.. the KFC was it? About ten years ago, in the streets of Shibuya, i met him for the last time. He had already gained a lot of weight and the bags under his eyes were gone. He even smiled. According to Shoko. He obviously was doing better in his 'new' life. We talked, or i suppose you could say argued, for the last time. He seemed happy with where he was heading to. His path, I mean. I wanted him to stay, and he wanted me to stay where i was. He looked like he didn't even consider me as relevant. Was i really not that important?

He also asked me: "are you the strongest because you're Gojo Satoru? Or are you Gojo Satoru because you're the strongest?" This struck me in the face, and I've been thinking about this ever since. Why had he asked me that? But thinking about it, it's a Suguru thing to say.

He's always been a man of theories and curiosities, I remember. Like that time in the court we have in the school, he talked about his morales of saving humans and how we should protect them. But his queries obviously changed, after all he's a mass murderer nowadays.

Now I'm just the strongest, above everyone, no one able to compete with me. They may think it'll be cool. But it's not. I have no one to look up to, I have no one to rely on.

And I won't deny it. I miss us being the strongest. It's lonely without Suguru.


"On the 24th! I'll release one thousand of my curses all across Japan." Geto, the curse user, declares, staring right into me. He stares so intensely that I wonder if he could see my eyes beneath my blindfold. I furrow my brows and stare back at him as he continues. Only one thousand? This will be easy. "I will come for your curse, Yuta Okkotsu." He says, moving his head to look at the boy. He probably wants Rika. But Im certain he won't. Because I'll make sure of that.

We are now enemies, we are not what we once were. I must protect the people, my students, who have the potential to become highly successful and powerful. Maybe one of them will surpass me one day. So because of that, I know i must make sure they live happily, i will open up a great path for them, hopefully. They will not have to go through what I did. They don't deserve to. They have been plunged into the world of curses, and now they can't go back to the surface. Once you know, you can't go back to your 'normal life' before.

What happened to me is in the past, i must move on from that. Even though it changed my life, what happened as happened. It is inevitable.

What I did is inevitable.

Geto is now my enemy, we are now strangers. He is a stranger who knows all my secrets. He is a stranger that holds my heart.

The world must be against me.


"You're late, Satoru" i smile as he glares, and i slowly lean down against the walls of the school. I never expected to die here. It's the last place I want to die, really. He has his blindfold off today, and i can finally see those eyes after 10 years. A whole decade. I really thought i would be able to move on from him. I even tried to hate him. But looking at his eyes again, The memories i hold doesn't make me capable of removing my thoughts for the man. It feels like he had taught me how to love, but not to forget. He looks at me with a face that looks so pained, and for once i understand. He regrets it. And of course, i do too. But i had already chosen my path. I can't go back anymore. And he knows. And I don't think I still regret it. I can't go back no matter how much I wanted to.

And now, my best friend kneels over me, and I basically accept my fate. "So, you'll be the one to take me down, huh?" His face remains neutral. "How's my family?"

"They all got away. Kyoto was your doing too, wasn't it?" I rest my head against the wall and lean. This feels nice. I feel like i can rest, finally. 

"Yeah, unlike you, I'm a kind person. You sent those two here knowing I'd defeat them.. just so you could trigger Okkotsu's growth." I look at him with an expression. 

"It's called trust." He says,  his face looking at me with.. passion. " People with beliefs like yours won't kill a young sorcerer without reason." I chuckle. Since when did he trust  anybody?

"Trust, huh?" I look at him straight into those eyes. "I didn't realize you still felt any connections with me." As I toss him Okkotsu's student ID, he makes a face. I haven't seen that in a while. It feels good to be with him again.

"Any last words?" He sighs as he stares into the ID.

"No matter what I will, always hate those monkeys. But it's not like I hate everyone at Jujutsu High." Satoru remains silent so i continue. " It's just that in this world, I couldn't be truly happy from the bottom of my heart."

I thought he would kill me then. But he really did have to say it. He smiles at me, with such a loving face that I can't help but feel like he loves me too..

"Suguru.." he says, "——————"

I couldn't help but blush and laugh. Damn, i really love this guy.

"You should at least curse me at the end."

Maybe in another life, We could be happy.

A/n: TYSM FOR READING THIS!! I tried to make it as sad as possible but you know I'm bad at angst. I love you all, thank you so much for reading this book!! This is the ending of the book..

now if you would like another story please tell me! Give me ideas and I'll tell you the results on the 5th of January 2024! (Like the comment for the idea - it's like a poll.)

Once again, thank you so much! 

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