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"Y/n....Y/n L/n!" Y/ns' mother called from downstairs. "I'm going, I'm going!" Y/n said as she finished fixing up her short boy-like hair. She recently moved to a place called Faraway and today was her first day of school. Y/n hurries downstairs with her backpack on "finally, Y/n you should put an alarm earlier next time" her mother says as she gets her car keys. 

"Sorry mom, I'm ready now!" Y/n said calmly, her mother kisses her on the cheek before they both go out the doors. Y/n waves goodbye to her mother as she makes her way over to the bus stop. Everyone is looking at her and whispering, she feels a bit shy but it's only natural since she was new

The bus eventually came and as it was taking off, a tall boy with long brown hair yelled at it to stop. Everyone began to laugh, Y/n didn't know why but it made her chuckle a bit as well. When the boy finally came on the bus, he looked around to see that almost all the seats were taken except one...Y/ns'.

Y/n turned away shyly, she didn't want to sit next to anyone but as soon as she finished that thought, she felt someone sit next to her. "I haven't seen you around...are you new?" Asked the boy, Y/n forcefully looked at him and nodded. "Oh , neat! My name is Kel ! What's yours?" The boy now known as 'Kel' said. 

Y/n stared at him for a few seconds before answering "um...Y/n.." she said shyly. Kel smiled brightly, maybe too bright before saying "well, it's nice to meet you Y/n! Let's be friends, if you want I can show you where everything is". Y/n nodded again "that would be...really helpful actually" she said smiling slightly. - 

When Y/n gets to school, the first thing she does is get a schedule in the main office with Kel. Kel takes a look at the paper and smiles brightly again "hey, it looks like we have to same first class! Let's go" he said excited as he took Y/ns' hand and led her to the first classroom. Upon arrival, the teacher immediately asks for her to introduce herself to the class, although she has the choice not to.

Y/n shakes her head and looks around to find a seat when she spots Kel. Kel waves at her and signals that she can sit next to him, with no one else she knows...she sits down next to him. - Two classes in, and it's already lunch time. 

Kel invited Y/n to get lunch with him but she refused as she didn't want to 'burden' him any longer. Once she was done with her lunch she walked around the hallways to explore more of the school when she overheard two people fighting. She got closer to the scene to see a blond haired boy  on the floor with his knees, and a pink haired girl  shoving him down.

"Please Aubrey ! I'm begging you...give it back!" The blond haired boy said , almost crying. "F*ck no, get away from me you creep!" The pink haired girl now known as Aubrey yelled back before she gave him another shove. Y/n turned around as she wanted nothing to do with it, she knew it was none of her business and yet...she felt the need to do something. 

Acting careless and as Aubrey was about to shove him harder, Y/n placed herself in front of him, it surprised both Aubrey and the blond haired boy. "What do YOU want?" Aubrey asked staring at Y/n seriously. Y/n gulps "look, I don't know what this is about...but violence isn't the answer" she said bravely. 

Flower Boy / Yandere! Basil x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now