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Y/ns' eyes open to the sound of her alarm. She turns it off and begins her usual routine that consists of putting her clothes on, brushing her teeth and hair, and so on. Her mother watched as she opened the door to go outside. 

"where are you off to so early?" Y/ns' mother asked. Y/n was surprised by this question "oh, you know...just visiting Basil" she said smiling warmly. "Right, you've been hanging out with that boy a lot recently...he isn't bad but he gives me murderous vibes!" her mother said jokingly. 

"You're just being delusional mom, I'll get going now" Y/n said as she left the house. A few minutes go by and she reaches Basils' doorstep. She knocked once before Basil burst the door open for her. 

"Y/n!" he said excitedly before hugging her. It took Y/n by surprise but she didn't mind, she quickly hugged him back. "Hehe, I have good news for you Y/n" Basil said giving her a cheeky smile. 

"Oh? what is it" she asked curiously tilting her head. "The seeds we planted a few weeks ago are finally sprouts!" he said happily, Y/n smiled widely. "Really? that's great!" she said back just as happily. 

After a few more minutes of chatting Y/n and Basil began to walk to school. They were midway there when they heard a car beep. Both of them turned to look at where it came from and Y/n was surprised to see that it was Kel. 

Kel waved his arm around and out the window before a woman smacked his head for him to get back inside the car. Y/n began to chuckle lightly and Basil kind of glared at the car as it passed by. "If only my mom drove me to school" Y/n mumbled, she fixed her short hair slightly not noticing how it stung Basil.

Flower Boy / Yandere! Basil x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now