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A few weeks later, Y/n entered school and surprisingly everything was quiet. She walked towards her class and no one was there to tease her of fight her. She sighed of relief and walked inside the class, she sat down and the class eventually began.

Kel sat next to her, as always and the teacher began to talk about about the upcoming project. "Alright everybody, pay attention...today you'll be starting a project that will cost you half of your grade for this quarter, you can get with a partner or you can do it by yourself..get started". Right after the teacher finished everyone began to find their partners, Y/n looked around for a bit before she felt someone tap her shoulder. 

It was Kel, he smiled widely at her "hey, do you want to be partners?" he asked happily. Y/n stared at him for a bit before nodding "sure, we can be partners" she was really just glad she didn't have to do it alone. Kel and Y/n began to talk about what they should do for the project, they were having fun until the bell rung.

Y/n packed her things but before she could leave Kel grabbed her arm. She looked at him confused "oh, sorry was that rude?...I was just wondering if you knew the pizza place right by the grocery store, GINO'S". She shook her head "no, actually I haven't had time to explore" she said thinking about it. 

Kel excitedly squealed "hey I know! how about we continue to work on the project this weekend? we can explore first before making the project and getting pizza!". Y/n smiled, that didn't sound like a bad idea at all "sure, why not?" she said cheerfully. Kel hugged her suddenly, it took her by surprise but she hugged him back gently. 

After a bit he let go and said goodbye, Y/n walked out of class ready to go to Basils class so they could have lunch but two arms wrapped around her waist. "eh?" she exclaimed before she turned to see who it was, it was Basil. He pouted "you were supposed to come get me...did you forget about me?" Y/n blushed for a bit before shaking her head. 

"no, no! I would never, I just got held up because Kel-" before she could finish Basil interrupted her. "So what? is he more important than me? your closest friend?" he said dramatically, it was kind of cute. "n-no, I just need to do a project with him, I need good grades you know" she giggled a bit "you're still my number one".

Basil went red, almost as red as a tomato. he stuffed his face onto her back, it made her shiver for a bit. "Um..flower boy?" she asked as she turned to look at him.

"STOP!" Basil yelled out, it caught Y/n by surprise so she completely stopped moving. After a few more seconds he pulled away "s-sorry...l-let's get going now or else we'll miss lunch heheh..". He began to walk away, Y/n quickly went after 'that was weird' she thought to herself.

Flower Boy / Yandere! Basil x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now