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Her gang rushes over to her, they all look at Basil and Y/n as if they were the monsters. "We'll get you back for this!" the one with even shorter hair and glasses said as they scurried away carrying her. Y/n felt a little bad, she brushed herself off and stood up. 

"...Basil?" Y/n said, she made him turn to her. Her eyes widened at the sight of his expression...he was smiling. "...Basil!" she said snapping her fingers and after a few seconds he snapped out of it. 

Basil looked down at his hand and gulped, it was bruised. "Ah, your hand...let me--" before Y/n could finish Basil ran away, she didn't know why. Just then she heard someone call her name, it was Kel. 

"I heard someone started a fight here! whats going on?" he asked worriedly, Y/n stared at him for a few seconds before chuckling. "Nothing, nothing.." she said as she felt an immense pain in her back.

Kel tilted his head as he saw her shiver for some time. "Y/n...is your back okay?" He asked seriously, Y/n looked at him and nodded painfully. Kel rolled his eyes "your back is definitely NOT okay, let's get you to the nurse".

Y/n sits at a bench outside for lunch, she watched as everyone had their friends to eat with and she was still waiting for Basil. She looked down at the ground before she saw a shadow in front of her. She looked up expecting Basil but it was actually Kel.

He smiles brightly, she smiled back weakly. "So, care to explain what happened earlier?" He asks sitting down next to her. She was surprised but she shrugged "nothing really...just the same old situation with the hooligans". 

Suddenly, Kels smile turned into a frown. "Man, when is Aubrey going to let it go? she's so childish I swear I'm so worry Y/n" he said as he held her hand in his. Y/n blushed for a bit before shaking her head "ah, its fine really".

Kel shook his head, he got closer to her "but it's not Y/n...you-" before he could finish his sentence someone pulls her away from his grip. Y/n turned to see who it was, it was Basil and he looked a bit irritated. Kel awkwardly stands up and greets him "hey buddy...long time no see..how are you?" he said quietly. 

"...Don't call me buddy..and I'm doing just fine especially without you" Basil said in a low voice, it surprised her since she had never heard his voice like that before. Before Y/n or Kel could say anything Basil pulled Y/n outside, he was holding her arm pretty tightly. 

"B-Basil? it...hurts" She said as she tried to pull away. Basil suddenly snapped back into reality and let go. "I-I'm so sorry Y/n! I don't know what happened I-" he suddenly began to shake , Y/n shook her head and hugged him. "Hey hey! it's okay, I'm fine now see?" she said pulling away and smiling warmly, it calmed him down.

After a few minutes they ate their lunch, Basil still looked sad and shaken about the whole thing. Y/n stared at him and giggled before she flicked his forehead off with her fingers. It look him by surprise "a-ah! Y/n...what did you do that for?" he asked worriedly. 

Y/n laughed "I find it fun to tease you, flower boy" those last two words made Basil pause. He stared at her for a moment before his cheeks went red. "F-f-f-flower boy?! wh-where'd that come from?!" he asked as he began to fiddle around with his fingers. 

"Oh, do you like it? I thought it would be a cute nickname for a cute boy like you" Y/n said, it made Basils cheeks go even more red. She then patted his head "you didn't have to defend me you know? I wouldn't want a very close friend of mine to get hurt because of my odd decisions" she said smiling warmly. He stared at her before he looked down at the ground, his heart felt like it was going to explode. 

'I'm close to her'

'I'm close to her'

'I'm close to her!'

Basil thought to himself, he liked the fact that he was close to her, but it made him wonder if there were others who were close to her as well. As he turned to ask her, the school bell went off and it was time to go back to class. Basil cursed the bell for taking her away from him.

Flower Boy / Yandere! Basil x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now