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It's been a couple weeks since Y/n stopped talking to Basil. She feels a little guilty about ignoring him whenever he tries to strike up a conversation or walking away whenever he sits beside her. Kel has reminded her about what they talked about however, so she tries her hardest not to think about it too much.

Y/n has noticed that because she has more free time now, a lot her friends want to hang out. It surprises her because Basil has always said that they wouldn't even bother asking her. It makes her feel a bit better about taking a break.

To Basil, of course, it was pure torture. His heart ached whenever she'd just pass by him in the hallways. It hurt him like hell, and it was becoming too much.

One afternoon, Y/n was on her couch watching TV and waiting for a pizza delivery. Someone eventually knocks after a few moments, so she walks over and opens the door expecting it to be the pizza, but instead she finds Basil. Surprised and a bit ashamed, she looked down at the ground "Do you need something?" She asked.

Basil saddens, as he realizes that Y/n can't even look at him in the eyes. "Um...could you ..at least look at me?" He asked, his voice a bit shakey. She paused for a moment before she looks up at him.

Y/ns' heart nearly breaks at the sight of such a sad and miserable Basil. He desperately takes something from behind his back, it's revealed to be a rose. "W-would...would you like to..U-um..go on a w-walk together?" He asked again, his hands trembling.

Y/n wanted to, she wanted to say yes, she wanted to hug Basil and comfort him, but the pizza and what Kel said brought her back to reality. "I'm sorry Basil, but I can't hang out with you today, I've got a pizza coming and-" just then, he interrupted her. "Stop it! Stop it, stop it, stop it!" He yelled suddenly, it made her take a step back.

"Why are you being so mean to be all of a sudden?!" Basil yells again, he trembles even more, still holding the rose. "Did I do something wrong, if so, then I apologize! I'm sorry! I really am!" He said, Y/ns' eyes widened a little. "I'll do whatever you want me to Y/n, I'll fix whatever I did wrong, and I'll make it right, no matter what it is!" He got closer and held her wrist gently, forcing her to take the rose.

Basil held her hands in his "just don't leave me, please don't leave me alone, I don't want to be alone!" He said, tears poured out of his eyes. "Don't call me by my name either, I like the nickname you gave me, I like flower boy!" He stepped back and suddenly got down on the ground, on his knees. "I'll do anything Y/n, anything! Please forgive me!" He begged, it was her last straw.

Y/n quickly made him stand up and pulled him into a hug. "I forgive you Basil...please don't cry.." she said, her voice hurt. "It's Going To Be Okay" she said again, wiping his tears away, Basil hugged her back and closed his eyes, enjoying her warmth again.

"It's a bit...cold out here, so let's head inside" Y/n said, not knowing that Basil was faking the tears all along.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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