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Y/n looks at her watch, it was around 3:30PM. She was waiting for Kel to pick her up so that they could have that project done, plus the tour. She didn't wear anything too crazy, just a plain white collared shirt with a black sleeveless sweater on top and some light brown mixed with yellow shorts.

After a few more minutes , someone knocked on the door. Y/n opened the door, she looked up at Kel and smiled. She felt a little weird not seeing him in his basketball uniform. 

He was wearing a black jacket with some black sweatpants. HIs hair was also tied up, he on the other hand couldn't stop staring at her clothes. 'why...why are her clothes so...' he thought to himself before she Interrupted his train of thought.

"um...Kel?" Y/n started, Kel snapped out and smiled back "ah, sorry I just I spaced out a bit there". He said chuckling, she giggled along with him "well we should get going now". He agreed and they began to walk away from her house. 

They both walk safely across the street and finally get to the playground he was talking about so much. There was a huge basketball court, a small playable playground, and a picnic area. Y/n stared at everything in surprise and wonder, she smiled brightly. 

"this is amazing Kel" Y/n said quietly, Kel nodded "I'm glad you like it Y/n, welcome to our town!". She nodded in response "lets continue, you have to go meet the rest" he said as he guided her towards the plaza with a hand behind her back. The two of them not noticing that Basil was behind them secretly. 

When Y/n and Kel finally made their way there, her eyes shined as she took a look at the huge water fountain. She smiled as she found a penny in her pocket, she closed her eyes and threw the penny into the water. He looked at her confused "...what? you don't make wishes?" she asked staring at him just as confused.

"No...I actually steal the pennies" Kel joked, Y/n rolled her eyes and he laughed as they continues their way over to GINOS. 

Flower Boy / Yandere! Basil x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now