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After that day, Y/n suddenly began to catch attention at school. She was gaining friends left and right, she was happy. Kel and Basil also began to follow her around more often, she found it a bit strange but she didn't mind the company. 

Y/n was talking to a classmate of hers about the new school policy when she felt someones' arms around her waist. She turned around to see that it was Basil, she smiled softly. "Y/n~" he whined "let's go to lunch now, im starving!~" Y/n was about to reply to wait a bit when she noticed the classmate walk away. 

"Ah, they left.." she said a little sad. "so what? aren't you supposed to be my friend?" he said pouting "well yeah, but it was really just an innocent conversation..." she said again even more sad, Basil took a moment to rethink and smiled. "are you sad? am I the reason for it? I'm sorry..." he said pulling away, Y/n immediately felt guilty she shook her head "n-no! nothing like that, sorry I didn't mean to make you feel that way...let's get to lunch okay?". 

Basil smirked slightly, he nodded "yes, lets". -- Fast forward a couple minutes, Y/n and Basil are eating peacefully outside the school. She was about to finish her sandwich when Kel suddenly appeared.

"Hey! Y/n! Basil!" he yelled running towards them with his own lunch. Y/n turned to him surprised, and Basil turned to him annoyed. "Oh, hey Kel!" she smiled and waved, Kel finally made it to them and sat next to Y/n.

"I'm not too late, am I?" He asked, cheerfully. Y/n shook her head "nah, just in time! What did you get this time?" She asked. As they chatted more and more, Basil couldn't help but feel the urge to punch Kel right there and then, but he knew Y/n wouldn't like it, so he controlled himself.

After school, Basil decided to come up with a plan, a plan that would get Kel to stay away for good. Y/n didn't need Kel, infact, she didn't need any other friend, she just needed him. Him him him.

Flower Boy / Yandere! Basil x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now