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"Okay Basil, I'll see you at lunch" Y/n said happily, she had just dropped him off at his class. Basil smiled widely and nodded his head "see you at lunch Y/n..." he said quietly. Y/n found it cute and she patted his head before she left to her class. 

Y/n was almost at her class when she found Aubrey and her group of friends who she now knew were called 'The hooligans'. She tried to go pass them as she didn't feel like dealing with it. One of them stuck their leg out and Y/n tripped. 

Luckily, she landed on her hands so she didn't land face first into the ground. "aw, so close" Aubrey said pouting on purpose, her friends laughed. Y/n gets up and off of the ground, she brushes herself and continues walking. 

She saw her shadow on the ground, smiling but her smile faded away as she saw someone launch at her with something. Y/n quickly moved out of the way and turned around unsurprised to see Aubrey. Her eyes widened as she saw that Aubrey had a large bat, and not just any...a bat with nails.

"what the...I could've seriously gotten hurt what is wrong with you?" Y/n asked , she was sort of ticked off. "You think I care? you're the one who wanted to get involved in something that wasn't any of your business!" Aubrey yelled out, her friends agreeing. "Yet you were hurting someone for no reason how could I just go about my day-" Aubrey interrupted Y/n angrily. 

"It wasn't for no reason! it was...it was.."  Aubrey began to mumble, for some reason something seemed to be caught up in her throat. Y/n stared at her for a few seconds before she reached out to her, just then Basil called out for her. "Y/n..! Y/n..?" Basil yelled out, he finally found her upon passing a corner. 

Y/n was surprised oh no... she thought to herself. "Basil wa-" before Y/n could finish, Aubrey had pushed her out of the way with her bat, making her hit the wall on her back and gasp for air. "Ugh!..." Y/n exclaimed as she looked up to see Aubrey laughing along with her friends "y-you see that? you shouldn't have been so vulnerable!". 

 Aubrey was getting ready to hit Y/n again when Basil got in between. Y/ns eyes widened "B-Basil...? what are you.." she started off before Aubrey laughed even more. Y/n sat up on her knees as she leaned to see what he was thinking. 

His expression , it wasn't anything like she'd seen before. It gave her chills to see him so ... mad. "what are YOU going to do? take a picture? I can pose while you see me hit" Aubrey snickered along with her friends. 

Basil didn't say anything, he didn't even move. Aubrey began to get mad and she got ready to shove him to the ground. Y/n tried to intervene but he wouldn't let her, Y/n closed her eyes and prayed when she heard a pow come from them. 

She opened her eyes expecting to see a knocked out Basil, but instead ...it was a knocked out Aubrey. 

Flower Boy / Yandere! Basil x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now