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Aubrey laughed "what are you anyway, a boy or a girl? never mind that, why don't you go mind your own God damn business?" She spat out as she tried to shove Y/n away. Y/n didn't budge "no...I don't think I will" she said , on the inside she was dying of fear. "Look here little miss hero...either you go away or I make you go away" Aubrey said, her tone of voice was low and cold.

Y/n stood still, and Aubrey held her fist up as she got ready to punch. Y/n quickly yelled out "so now you're going to bully a girl who hasn't even been here for a day!?".

Suddenly, this caught a lot of attention as a crowd began to form around them.

Whisper whisper...."isn't that Aubrey..."

Whisper whisper.... "What is that troublemaker doing this time.."

Whisper whisper.... "That's the new kid isn't it...is Aubrey really going to bully her next..how uneducated..."

Aubrey began to look around anxiously. She punched the locker next to her causing everyone to quiet down. She walked away and the bell rang, Y/n relaxed her shoulders and turned around to see the blond boy still on the ground.

Y/n smiled slightly as she extended her hand out to him. The blond haired boys' eyes widened, he smiled slightly as well as he reached out to take her hand but suddenly, he paused. His face turned cold and he slapped her hand away.

The blond haired boy stood up and walked past her, Y/n was confused and mad at the same time.

How rude. -

Y/n is walking back home from school. It's been a weird day to say the least, the whole time she's been staring down at the ground. That Aubrey girl really sounds like trouble...maybe I shouldn't have defended that boy. 

Y/n looked up, to her surprise that same boy was walking up ahead of her. Y/n suddenly felt angry and she ran past him , she went into her house in a hurry and she shut the door and locked it. Y/n looked around herself and realized that no one was home. 

She took her shoes and backpack off, she placed them around the entrance of her home and she laid down on the couch. She stared at the ceiling thinking about everything that happened. Before she knew it, about thirty minutes later and someone knocked on the door. Y/n stood up surprised as she didn't expect anyone to come except her mom, and her mom doesn't come home until 8. 

Y/n took a cane from the entrance and with caution she opened the door only to reveal that it was that blond haired boy with a casserole of something. "You...are you stalking me?" Y/n said plainly, the blond haired boy immediately shook his head, his hands began to shake. "N-no of c-course not!" he said, his voice softer than she expected.

"Right...and what is that?" Y/n asked pointing at the casserole. His hands began to shake so much that he let go of the casserole, luckily she caught it in time but it burned her a little as it was hot. "That was close...this casserole isn't poisoned now is it?" Y/n asked plainly again, the blond haired boy couldn't muster up anything to say.

"I'm guessing I'm right then?" she asked again before he shook his head "n-no! it was made by my babysitter...s-since you're new and all..I was forced to bring it!" he practically yelled out, it was a bit aggressive. Y/n got a little mad "why are you yelling at me? I'm only being cautious" she said seriously, it caused him to calm down a little. Silence filled the air as they both remained silent ... a few seconds later and Y/n talked again "...tell your babysitter we said thanks.." she said a little frustrated as she was about to walk inside.

That's when the boy called out for her "-h-hey!".

Flower Boy / Yandere! Basil x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now