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Basil suddenly realized that he messed up, he began to panic and think of an excuse. Y/n and Kel would stare at him confused and almost worried. "I-I-I-I j-just assumed s-since this is the last store i-i-in this area" he stammered , fiddling with his fingers. 

Y/n stared at him before letting the whole thing pass by. "haha, I guess that could happen!" she said happily, Basil smiled, all his troubles went away and he hugged her suddenly. "W-woah! Hahah, hey you can't hug me suddenly like that!" Y/n continued , but Basil didn't care, it made Kel...jealous?.

"a-anyway, we should get going Y/n , it is getting pretty late.." Kel said, for some reason, he seemed irritated. Y/n nodded "sure" , and Basil interrupted "can I come with? We live so close to each other!". Kel turned to Basil, he wanted to say something but he knew he couldn't so he just smiled. 

"Okay then! let's get going!" Kel said happily, he, Basil, and Y/n began to walk out of the shop. After a few long minutes, Y/n arrives to her place, before walking in she turned to them and smiled brightly. "Thank you for walking me home, I had a lot of fun today! you know, we should hang out more like this". Kel smiled warmly, he turned to Basil but Basil just rolled his eyes. 

"See you" Y/n waved, she turned around and went inside her house. Kel and Basil stood together in silence. "...Basil" Kel started, but Basil immediately cut him off "I don't know why you suddenly want to act like you're a hero now Kel, but I'm going to warn you right here, right now". 

Basils' voice was low, unlike his regular high pitch shy voice, he didn't sound like himself at all and it concerned Kel. "Stay away from Y/n, stop talking to her, stop interacting, stop everything...I don't want you near her, at all" he said seriously. Kel stood still, surprised but at the same time he couldn't stay quiet anymore "she's not..just your friend now, Basil...she's my friend too..so I'm going to try my hardest to keep it that way...I hope you understand and maybe we can be friends again too". 

Basil scoffed "after all those years of constantly ignoring me and my cries for help, living in your own bubble, I finally have someone who wants me for who I am and you want to take her away from me!? that's unfair! I won't let you do it, she's mine Kel, and you'll see soon how far I'll go for her!". He stomped away leaving Kel standing still alone. 

Flower Boy / Yandere! Basil x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now