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The past few weeks have been pretty weird for Y/n, Basil keeps clinging onto her, and it's starting to drain her. She can't say no, because she feels bad for him, and she doesn't want him to suffer anymore. His constant remarks are starting to make her overthink.

" Let's spend more time together! "

"  You're spending too much time with them... "

" You were talking to them? Did you know they were mean to me? "

" You said I was your number one...was that a lie? "

" You're MY friend... "

" Y/n...you'll never leave me, will you? "

Y/n began to think that maybe she should do something about his odd behavior. She was starting to lose friends because she would constantly be hanging out with him. Now, in the present, Basil is resting his head on her lap.

She stared down at him, her eyes seemed tired. She stays like that for a few moments before placing a pillow under his head and entering the kitchen. Upon doing so, she sees Kel making food and she smiles weakly.

"Hey Kel" she says softly "hey Y/n, I'm almost done" Kel replies. He quickly notices that something isn't right, so out of no where he sits down and brings her down next to him. "Is it...is it Basil?" Kel asks suddenly, it catches her off guard "what?".

Y/n asked confused, "you seem tired. I know Basil and you have been hanging out a lot. I just, assumed that it was because of his constant presence" Kel responded. "...well, I guess..I just...want to hang out with someone else every once in a while" she says, her hands on her lap, she looks guilty for even saying it. "Then...why don't you?" He asked, which made her surprised again.

"I...I'm..not sure, I just...want to be a good friend..." Y/n replied. " is it because you feel like you owe him something? " Kel asked. She stared at him confused but her eyes slowly widened.

"You know, you don't have to feel that way." Kel placed a hand on her shoulder. "You helped him out of the kindness of your heart, and if that's all you can offer then you shouldn't force yourself to give up more" he continued, Y/n remained quiet. Those words, it was as if she desperately needed to hear them, it was a reality check.

Basils' Behavior Was Not Normal.

Her head was a lot more clear now, she knew what she needed to do. She needed to take a break from Basil.

Y/n smiled softly "I've been so blind...thank you Kel" she said, Kel instantly gave her a warm smile back. "No problem, Y/n" he says, and then...he hugs her. It takes her by surprise, but the hug felt warm, so she hugged him back slowly.

Not seeing the head of blonde hair in the corner.

Flower Boy / Yandere! Basil x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now