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Kel and Y/n enter the pizzeria, she sits down somewhere while Kel orders a pizza. After a few minutes he comes to the table and they both begin to work on the project. They end up finishing up early and begin to talk about their everyday lives when the pizza man shouts for Kel.

"PIZZA FOR KEL! PIZZA FOR KEL!" The pizza man places the pizza down before he goes back to work. Kel hurries to the pizza and brings it back fast, he places the pizza down on the table. "Let's eat, I'm so hungry hah!" He said smiling as he took a slice, Y/n smiles back and begins to eat a slice as well.

Her eyes widened at the flavor , she closed her eyes happily "mmm!" She exclaimed. Kel chuckled "best pizza you've ever tried huh?" He said, Y/n nodded quickly "definitely, the pizza from where I used to live was hard and cold most of the time but this is really good!". "Well, I'm glad you like it Y/n" Kel said as he stared at her in a certain way.

After Y/n and Kel finished up, they continued to explore the rest of the stores and shops in the plaza. She got some things from HOBBEEZ and OTHERMART. After a while they reach the last one called FIX-IT, when they enter Y/n is hit with the strong sent of cardboard.

"Mmm, good old smell of cardboard!" Kel exclaims happily looking around. Y/n nods her head in agreement "I bet this store is real boring to you huh? All this construction stuff" he assumes. She shakes her head "no , it does I mean...what if I need help fixing something at home?", he nodded in agreement.

"...Do you..want to check out the plant section?" Kel asked curiously, Y/ns eyes shined at the topic and she nodded quickly. "Yes, I would actually really like that!" She said smiling brightly. He guided her at the back where all the plant stuff was and they began to explore.

"...you know, Basil told me once that I reminded him of a cactus" Kel started suddenly, it took Y/n by surprise. "Ah...I see..so you guys were friends?" She asked, she then realized it was rude "s-sorry I shouldn't have-". He interrupted her sentence "no..it's fine...I get it, you're curious..yes we were friends".

Y/n stared at him, as if she wanted to know more. "We were all...in a friend group..with even Aubrey in it..my older brother HERO, Sunny, and ...his older sister Mari " Kel explained. His expression then got a bit dark "b-but...the group split up because..Sunnys' older sister..d-" before he could finish a loud bang could be heard right behind them.

Y/n and Kel both turned around and saw that it was...Basil. Basil stared at them anxiously, Y/n rushed over to him and quickly helped him up. "Are you hurt anywhere ? Do you feel okay?" She asked him, Basil nodded and smiled, his anxious expression was no longer there.

"What are you doing here Basil?" Kel asked walking over to him. "I'm looking for more plants to plant...I wouldn't expect you know though" Basil scoffs, it surprises both Y/n and Kel. Kel looks down at the ground sadly, it makes Y/n feel guilty. 

Basil suddenly intertwined her hand with his, he smiled widely as he pulled Y/n closer. "you know , now that you guys are done...you and I can walk home together Y/n!" he said happily, Y/n looked at him confused before it dawned on both Kel and her. 

How does he know Y/n and Kel are "done"?

Flower Boy / Yandere! Basil x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now