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Y/n gulped before shaking her head, everyone gasped. "I...stand by what I said yesterday" she said trying to sound brave, she didn't know if she fooled her though. Aubrey chuckled and shrugged "oh well...have it your way then..hold her down" she said in a serious voice, her friends began to corner Y/n. 

Well this isn't very fair now is it  Y/n thought to herself as they grabbed her arms and pushed her down to her knees, it hurt a lot. Y/n looked down at her knees and asked herself if they were already broken as Aubrey crouched down. "Look over here creep!" she yelled out, causing Y/n to flinch and turn to her. 

Aubrey laughed again "not so brave now huh? let me teach you a lesson that you'll never forget". She said before she stood up, Y/n closed her eyes and prepared for the worst. She heard a few pows' and she felt her arms get released. Y/n opened her eyes slowly and standing in front of her, was Kel. 

"I don't know what you did...but I'm sure you did it for a good reason" he said seriously. Aubrey stared at him furiously "what do YOU want Kel?" she said angrily. They...they know each other? Y/n thought to herself. 

"Leave her alone Aubrey" Kel answered, Aubrey chuckled "mind your own business Kel...you seemed to be good at it after all these years". Kels' eyes widened before they narrowed "why you...you know why we stopped talking". Aubrey laughed "you know...now that I've seen you a little better...I bet Kels' protecting you because you look a lot like Sunny". 

It was clear that this was directed to you, your eyes widened. Who was 'Sunny'? is he someone important to know? what does she mean by 'you look a lot like Sunny'?  Y/n asked herself confused. "What are you saying? you know what, I don't care anymore! get out of here before I get the teacher involved Aubrey" Kel said seriously again. 

Aubrey made a 'tch' sound before turning away "lets go gang" she said as she began to walk away. Her friends followed behind her calling Y/n a loser, a creep, and other mean insults. After a few minutes the bell rang and everyone went to class. 

Y/n was still on the ground, she picked herself up slowly before she looked up at Kel. Kel looked pretty frustrated, so Y/n asked if he was okay by tapping his shoulder. He turned around fast, almost pushing her on the ground but she managed to balance it out. 

"Ah-, sorry Y/n I Just...need a little time to myself" Kel said as he went inside the classroom. Did I do something to trigger him? to trigger the both of them?  Y/n asked herself. Y/n entered the classroom worried she might've caused something bigger.

Who is... Sunny?  She asked herself again, everything was such a mystery.

Flower Boy / Yandere! Basil x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now