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Y/n sits down on her couch, a huge sigh coming out. It's been a very long day, Aubrey has been chasing Y/n around for a whole week now. She was very tired, of all of it and yet she was gaining popularity so maybe it was worth it. 

"Y/n hurry up and get dressed, we have a dinner to attend to" Y/ns' mother said as she placed her earrings on. Y/n sadly sighed again and stood up, she made her way upstairs and to her closet. Y/n stared at her closet for a minute before she chose her outfit; a simple white T-shirt and blue jeans. 

She fixed her short boyish hair up and went downstairs. Immediately, her mother asks her to take a casserole of something and she agrees. Y/n and her mother make their way to the neighbors house a few blocks up in under a minute. 

 Her mother knocks on the door three times, a few minutes later they are both greeted by Polly. Polly smiles widely as she shakes Y/ns mothers hand, "hello! it's so nice to finally meet you" she said "likewise" her mother replied. "Well c'mon in! we invited you after all" Polly said as she opened the door for Y/n and her mom, they entered the house and immediately, a wave of fresh grass hit Y/ns nose. 

Y/n placed the casserole on the dinner table , she looked around to see that the house was basically full of plants. "Now now, don't be shy you can sit on the couch and watch TV while your mom and I talk" Polly said to Y/n, Y/n nodded and made her way over to the couch. She sat down and took the remote control , she turned the TV on to watch whatever was playing. 

A few minutes later and Polly called a name out, a name Y/n didn't recognize. "Basil ! Basil, come down for dinner" Polly turned to Y/n. "He probably can't hear me from down here...Y/n do you mind going upstairs to get him?" before Y/n could respond Polly continued "thank you". 

Y/n forcefully stood up and began to walk up stairs. After a minute she got to the second floor and there were three doors. Y/n didn't know which one to go through so she risked it and knocked on the very last one. 

"I want to be alone right now, Polly" Y/n heard from the room, it sounded muffled. "Um...I'm ..not Polly...Basil was it?...she wants you to go down for dinner" Y/n replied as she looked down at the ground. A few seconds later he opened the door just a little, to no surprise but still a surprise , it was that blond haired boy. 

"You...you're name is Basil?" Y/n asked the blond haired boy now known as Basil. Basil just stared at her, he nodded gently "y-yes..." he said quietly. Y/n giggled, for some reason she found the name to be kind of ... cute. 

"I like your name...I'm Y/n" she said, with a warm expression. It took Basil by surprise , no one had ever looked at him that way before. "W-well...its nice..to meet you Y/n" Basil stammered, he took a step outside of his room, up close he was really, extremely pretty. 

"Anyway, Polly-" before Y/n could finish Basil nodded his head. "W-why don't we go down there together?" he asked shyly, Y/n nodded "sure". - After dinner, Polly and Y/ns mother continued chatting as Y/n and Basil sat on the couch. 

"What's up with all the plants?" Y/n asked looking at Basil. Basil shyly looked away "u-um...I really like gardening...its like a hobby of mine..kind of girly right heh?" he chuckled awkwardly. Y/n shook her head "not at all, you see my hair? you don't think its boyish right? its just hair, just like how plants are just plants!" she smiled warmly at him.

Basils heart ached for some reason, he held his hand up to his chest as his cheeks went pink. "T-..Thank you" he said, his blue eyes softened, Y/n suddenly had they urge to pet him, so she did. His hair was soft...very soft, it was surprising because Basil let her do it. 

Basil, that shy shy blond haired quiet boy that likes plants, the one who flinched whenever anyone even got near him. He liked it just as much as she did as her hand felt soft and warm, maybe...he isn't too bad.. Y/n thought to herself.

Flower Boy / Yandere! Basil x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now