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Y/n turned around confused, the blond haired boy fiddled around with his fingers nervously. "I-...I want to apologize for what happened earlier!" he said bowing down, it took Y/n by surprise.

"Oh...oh! um, well...it's alright I understood where you came from heh.." she said placing a hand behind her head. The blond haired boy mumbled something under his breath before he lifted his head back up. "Well...like i said, tell your babysitter that I thank her for the casserole...and thank you for apologizing" Y/n said with a slight smile, she then turned away and went inside, shutting the door behind her. - 

Y/n gets ready for the day again, brushing her short boy-like hair and getting dressed before going downstairs. "Isn't it lovely that they gave us this casserole? maybe I should bake some cookies for them in return..." Y/ns' mother said, Y/n sighed as she put her backpack on. "You wouldn't mind bringing them cookies this afternoon would you , Y/n?" her mother asked, it made her pause. 

"...No, I wouldn't mind" she said quietly before she opened the door. Suddenly, she was faced with an orange shirt...she looked up to see that it was Kel. "Kel? I mean that was your name right? what are you doing here?" Y/n asked, Kel chuckled "I was about to knock, sorry if this seems rude but I was just wondering if you'd like to walk to the bus stop together". 

She was surprised to say the least, up until then no boy had even looked her way, what changed? "oh..um, sure why not?" Y/n responded. "Y/n whose at the door? oh my!" Y/ns' mother was suddenly behind Y/n "oh mom, this is a new friend of mine, his name is Kel". Kel nodded and smiled brightly "it's nice to meet you ma'am, Y/n and I are going to walk to the bus stop together".

"Well aren't you a gentleman? you're welcome to pick her up anytime you want...even if it's not for school" her mother said with a wink, Y/n blushed "stop it mom, ugh..." she walked past Kel, going outside. Kel said his goodbyes' to her mother before quickly catching up to her. "Your mom seems great" he said teasingly, Y/n punched his shoulder lightly "shut up" she said, it made Kel laugh. - 

Kel and Y/n finally arrived to school, they were heading to their classroom when they saw a crowd of people around it. Y/n pushed past the crowd to see what was going on, she was kind of curious. She shouldn't have been though, because right in front of her was Aubrey. 

The pink haired girl from yesterday along with some other kids, which Y/n assumed were her friends. Aubrey turned to look at Y/n and smirked "looks like creep number two showed up...it's about time" she said walking over to her. Y/ns' eyes widened as she took a step back and Aubrey laughed.

"What's wrong? where'd that brave and heroic act of yours go?" her green eyes narrowed "don't tell me...you're afraid now?" she asked stepping closer. 

Oh no..

Flower Boy / Yandere! Basil x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now