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Y/n was at home, reading a book after doing a load of homework. She thought about what happened and she was very curious. Just exactly, who was this 'Sunny'? Why was he so important? These questions ran through her mind endlessly.

She couldn't put her finger on it, but maybe ...just maybe...this also might involve that blond haired boy. It would explain a lot, but at the same time it wouldn't explain all of it. Y/n chuckled as she had the thought that maybe they all need therapy.

Just then, Y/ns' mother called out for her. "I'm coming!" Y/n yelled back, she ran out of her room and went downstairs. She looked around and found her mother in the kitchen.

"Here, Y/n take these to our new neighbors" Y/ns' mother said as she handed Y/n a plate covered in foil. It was hot "these are ...cookies right?" Y/n asked as she looked around it, her mother nodded. "That's right , now run along we wouldn't want them to be cold" her mother said with a smile.

Y/n nodded, she carefully placed her flip flops on as she opened the door and began to walk to the blond haired boys' house. - When she got there she stared at the front door for a few minutes before gaining composure and knocking. After a few seconds , a tall lady with light brown shoulder length hair comes out.

It surprised Y/n, not because she was a lady but because she was pretty. Y/n assumed that she was his babysitter "um...hi, my mom wanted me to give you this ...as a thanks for yesterday". The lady smiled widely "I knew she'd like it! Thank you so much" she said as she took the plate of cookies.

"They're cookies...I hope you like them" added Y/n as she smiled slightly. The lady nodded "I'm sure we will, actually...hold on one moment I'll be right back!" She said as she turned around and went inside the house. Y/n waited patiently for a few minutes before she came back out with a piece of paper.

"I'd love to have you guys over for dinner tomorrow, or whenever your mom is free" the lady said handing Y/n that same piece of paper. It was a phone number "this is the house phone number, if your mom asks what my name is...it's Polly " she added. Y/n nodded "thank you, I'll let her know" she said before turning around and waking away.

Flower Boy / Yandere! Basil x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now