Chapter 1- The one who is leaving

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The sunlight slowly brushed Akk’s face. while rubbing his eyes he slowly rose from his sleep without making any further movements.

As he knows his shortstop (Ayan’s nickname given by Akk) might still asleep in his arms because this has been their unspoken routine for months now.

Without disturbing Ayan’s sleep Akk slowly moved Ayan’s hand from his chest and got up. Akk went to the window and closed the curtains.

Later Ayan who was deep asleep felt something missing searched by running his hand through the bed. As he was unable find Akk in bed he woke up and went down stairs.

While walking down staircase he finds Akk at the dining table down stairs with his mom although he couldn’t hear anything.

“Good morning maa” Ayan said while rubbing his eyes.
“No good morning for your boyfriend” his mom asked while teasing.
“No why should I greet someone who abandoned me?” even in his half sleep Ayan was still sassy as always.

Akk with a shocked expression “oh...! who abandoned you exactly?”
Ayan: “You”
Akk: “When did I ever did that? Liar”
“You just did… You abandoned me in my sleep” Ayan said it while giving a flirtatious smile to Akk.

these situations now no longer new to Ayan’s mom, she replied “Ayan don’t accuse my Akk just because you sleep like dead"

Ayan “Oh! Your Akk?”
“Yes, my Akk, my favorite son you got a problem with it?” Ayan’s mom replied in a stern tone.

“Don’t forget mom he will leave this house tomorrow and once his university starts, he might forget about us too, who knows” Ayan’s replied without thinking.

But only when Akk said he will set breakfast table and left the room Ayan realised what he said was
not a joke.

Ayan’s mom “Ayan! Why don’t you think before saying things like this?”
“Mom I was just...” Ayans mom cut before he even finishes his sentence and spoke
“You do realize that you are the one leaving him”

Authors note:
If you are reading then I want you to know that I’m really thankful to you because you choose to read my story.
Thank you :3
This is my first story and I’m still learning if you have suggestions, please leave a comment.
You and your comments are valuable to me.

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