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Next day morning ayan was still asleep but when he turned to cuddle with akk he felt something strange that cause him to wakeup. Ayan who had millions of plans and high expectations of this vacation was already upset about the past turn of events but now when he simply wanted to hold his man is at lost of words. Because someone was laying on top of akk blocking ayan's all access, it was sugar.

Well adopting sugar was a joint decision but ayan was the one who fell in love with sugar first but little did he knew that he was bringing a rival home. Akk had a tough schedule and couldn't able to be home as much as ayan but still when ever he was home sugar will roam around him. It's hilarious how ayan have to compete against sugar to spend alone time with akk.

Unannounced visit of their parents had already spilled water on ayan's plans but now seeing sugar laying between them first thing in the morning was not sitting well either. Ayan tried to make sugar leave the room without making any noises as akk was still sleeping and more over ayan knew very well if akk see this then he is gonna tease him about being jealous of sugar, and he definitely didn't want that.

Akk woke up and saw ayan was already awake they shared a good morning kiss and went to freshen up. At noon everyone sat down and chit chating and suddenly door bell rang and ayan got up to check. They weren't expecting anyone and to be honest he was looking forward to spend some alone time with akk.
"What the... " It was more of a shock to ayan than surprise.

Kanthua, meenping, wat and namo let themselves in as ayan was not budging.
Akk happily welcomed them and they greeted the elders.
"Why are you guys here? " Ayan asked.
"We came all the way here to spend time with you and you are asking why!!!" Wat said.
"That's so rude ayi" Thua said agreeing with wat.

"Don't mind him. If he doesn't want us then we can just spend time with akk." Namo said and went straight to the kitchen.
"Well seems like you guys forgot akk is MY boyfriend." Ayan said emphasising the last part.

"Akk why is your BOYFRIEND behaving like this. And tell us what you want do you want us to leave, my dear friend" Kan said put his hands around akk's shoulder. Everyone was looking at akk and for ayan he was practically piercing akk's soul. "Well it's been a while and I was going to visit you guys the day after tomorrow as I finally got some free time. But you guys beat me to it." After hearing akk ayan was fuming with anger.

"He got some free time after months and he had already planned to spend it with others, they are important to me too but why I'm I not in his list. Is he have a death wish? Or is he bored of me? He was been spending a lot time in his phone recently"
Ayan thought and stormed off to his room.

"Are you on your periods?" Namo asked seeing ayan walking off.

Ayan had a lot in his mind. He wasn't upset to see his friends but he was upset because all of his plans to be with akk is failing even before implementing it. And it was already night ayan was feeling guilty because he was rude to his friends and on the other hand he was getting anxious as no one bothered to get him out of his room.

When it was time for dinner he left his room. He thought he should take the first step and apologize to everyone after all they didn't had any bad intention and he was the one at fault for acting childish earlier. He was on stairs his way to the living room at down stairs. But the lights were off so he hesitated and called out for akk.

Suddenly lights on the stairs turned on and he saw akk at the end of steps.

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He was holding a bouquet of sunflowers just like the time when ayan bought sunflower bouquet to akk's graduation

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He was holding a bouquet of sunflowers just like the time when ayan bought sunflower bouquet to akk's graduation. Ayan's eyes were already tearing from the sight he ran down stairs and stood at the last one which was right in front of akk.

Tears were falling down from both of their eyes. "Wh...what are y-you doingg?" Ayan asked he was stammering.

"I'm trying to impress you so that you won't be ever able to leave me. I know we are promised forever but now I want to make it legal. I know I'm not perfect but I promise to be better if it's with you So.... Ayan Sukkhapisit will you please take me as your husband ? Will you marry me? " Akk said and kneeled down on one knee and looked at ayan.

Ayan had a hard time to control his tears. "It took you long enough... I was waiting for it for so long... " He said and kneeled down to hug akk. And Continued "I'm not perfect either but With you it's already more than perfect." They hugged each other and everyone watching their parents and friends started to shout kiss kiss kiss. But ayan stood up it took everyone by surprise.

"No I won't kiss... Who on earth proposes marriage with out a ring?" Ayan pouted and akk left out a small smile. "Akk didn't you have a ring? Why is my son so stupid." Akk's mom said.

"Maa it's not me who is stupid it's your son in law." Everyones expression suddenly changed. And akk continued " I had gave it to him already." Akk took a step closer to ayan and got a hold on ayan's chain which was hiding under his shirt. It was the same chain akk gifted ayan when he went abroad to study.

Everyone present there was stunned after hearing akk's words

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Everyone present there was stunned after hearing akk's words. Ayan was at lose of words.

Akk spoke again "I know it lacks diamond, I will give you one ring with diamond at our wedding..." Cutting akk's words at middle ayan said " It doesn't lack anything... It's just how can you be so sure about this.. Us.... It's almost 8 years ago when you gave me this "

With warm smile akk said " When I saw that ring, back 8years ago the only thing came to my mind was our marriage. Even I was surprised by myself but I guess I knew it all along that you are my one and only... I love you ayi"

"I love you too akk" Ayan whispered and pulled akk in to a kiss.

*Please don't skip next chapter there is something important*

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