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It's been 4 years since akk had graduated from university.

And it's not wrong to say everyones life has changed but in a good way. Namo who was working with his dad is now promoted to a significant position and he will take over that business by the end of next year.

Wat has been working as an assistant director and directed couple of advertisements. Finally got his break through and directed his own movie which is about to get released soon.

Thua is a full-time teacher now and still living with kan. They couldn't be more happy. They even got their marriage registered two years ago, but kan is still clingy as always.
And for kan after internship he got offered to a full position and joined that company. He had proven his worth by working smart and hard so he got recognised at work and got promoted twice by now.

Ayan have established his career as music composer. When his old band had disbanded along time ago worked under professional music creators for experience. It helped him in establishing his career alot. Now he also has an other identity which is recognised by public it is as an YouTube influencer. He generally made music related videos as his work got popular he bacame famous on social media and even in music industry. It's a dream opening for anyone who aims to enter in music industry.

Akk's life took an unexpected turn among all. The issue with Bob had cleared and his company did fired Bob and took legal actions against him. akk completed his internship successfully and was also got acknowledged for his works during that time. But when they offered him a full time position there he declined.

Everyone was shocked with akk's choice but still supported him. Then after a few months he came up with an idea for a start-up. It was based on their graduation project but he had made changes according to market and trend. When he shared this idea with his friends everyone encouraged him and meen who was intrested in it decided to join. As he worked in finance sector he was a great partner.

Akk and meen's hard work paid of when they found an invester for good. Ayan was initially worried about this as akk was risking alot, but no matter what he wanted to support akk in his decision.

The boys who are now grown men is leading their life as they wanted. It can't be said that they don't have any regrets in life but they were happy and that's what all mattered.

Akk was the CEO and were meen was CFO. Their business survived all hardship and now in pretty good shape which is almost expanded to all big cities in Thailand. Following kan and thua's steps meen and ping also got married and now living together. Although ping still gets jealous easily but meen is perfect for ping.

Akk and ayan moved into a much bigger place with their own money just like how akk wanted to. They even adopted a dog his name is sugar. As everything was going well for their career it seemed they hardly made time for each other. Especially it has been months that the group had seen everyone or spend some time together.

As akk's business idea was from his university project he reserved some shares for his teammates although they didn't wanted it but akk insisted.

Akk is hardly home these days comparing to ayan. He was busy with expanding his business but now that's done he finally took some days off. Which meant meen had to do all of akk's work too. But ayan was happy and looking forward to it as he will get his boyfriend all to himself.

It's 11am and akk was still sleeping but ayan woke up early as he had a lot of things planned. He went to kitchen and made brunch. And set the table in romantic way and went upstairs he noticed akk didn't even washed up yesterday as he arrived pretty late but it was not a time to argue. He woke up akk with gentle kisses and smooches which for one second got akk confused. He thought it was sugar but ayan made his calm and told akk to freshen up. He didn't wanted to spoil his plans otherwise he would have kicked akk on his butt the moment he mistook ayan for sugar.

When akk came down he saw ayan had already settled the table and it was decorated with lavander and simple white garment. But it was more beautiful than any fancy restaurant in akk's view. As he looked around but ayan was not their he had a little bit idea of whats going on and that's when he heard some sounds. That were coming from front yard.

Ayan who was completely unaware of the things happening in downstairs changed his clothes and wore a white shirt and denim shorts as he planned. Shirt was a little over sized as it was akk's. And that was the whole point of getting changed.

He went down stairs to surprise akk

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He went down stairs to surprise akk. And smiled while thinking of the things he had planned for further.

As he went down stairs and called out akk's name he didn't expected he would be the one to get shocked instead of akk. Ayan froze for a moment unable to move. Besides akk there were people not just anyone it's akk's parents along with ayan's mom.

Ayan turned all red in embarrassment. He purposefully dressed like that for akk but now he was standing in front of their parents in costume he picked to seduce his boyfriend!!!! It can't be anymore embracing he thought and lifted the shirt from his shoulders and button up all the way.

Akk was enjoy it and tried hard to hold back his laughter. Were ayan tried his best to act as if nothing had happened. Ayan made an excuse and tried to leave but akk was enjoying it so mach that he played along. And made ayan stay in front of everyone for a little longer.

They had brunch together and the elders explained that they were planning to visit akkayan for some time and when they heard akk is finally free from work they just decided it's good time to visit. Ayan was pissed as his plans got rained but it's their parents and they are not wrong for wanting to spend time with their kids. And they will only stay for two days akk took an off for one week so they still had time.

When akk and ayan were alone for a moment akk busted out laughing which made ayan more annoyed he even threaten akk to stop but everything happened was just too funny. When akk saw ayan sulking he hugged ayan and comforted him.
"It's ok you wanted to surprise me but got shock by our parents sudden arrival. Everyone understands... And don't sulk like this.... Please... " Akk said in a calm voice.
"It was horrifying I think I'm gonna have nightmares about this....." Ayan was pouring his heart out but akk interrupted and said. "But you were so sexy earlier... "
Hearing akk's playful response ayan's ears suddenly turned red. For a fact he was blushing alot today even from little things like a teenager.

Authors note:

Finally we are reaching to end. Thank you for supporting me in my journey. Please wait for next chapter... 💜


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