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Akk was now alone in ayans apartment but he was happy finally he got to see ayi. And picked his things and looked for a place to put it. Then he noticed ayans room was a little bit messy here and there as ayan was too busy with his assignment he couldn't find time to do the house chores.

Akk put his bag at side and took his clothes from it. Although akk didn't show the trip made him tiered. He went for a cold shower. He used ayan's shower gel it smelled exactly like his boyfriend. It made him think about their kiss earlier.

After taking shower he went to kitchen cabinet there was no sign of cooking. Ayan was not a good cook but akk expected atleast he would be cooking time to time. But after opening the fridge it was clear as it only contained drinks and leftover pizza and some spoiled milk. After looking around for some time he found instant noodle packets in one of the kitchen drawer.

He ate a pack of instant noodles and went straight to clean ayan's room. Although he didn't expect much but he was clearly concerned about ayan's unhealthy life style. He knew it was not easy for ayan as he himself sometimes overwork neglecting his health but the fact ayan was living far away from his family was also worrying akk.

After three hours of cleaning and organizing akk's task was finished now the only thing left was grocery shopping.
He picked his phone and saw that ayan had texted him

"I think it will take more time to wrap up than I expected.
I wanted to get back to you as soon as I finished the presentation but nothing is going my way today.
I miss you..."

Akk wanted to spend as much as time possible with ayan too. But he understands. He replyed with a smile
"It's okay, I think I will head out for a little.
Don't worry I will be back before you reach home.
And I miss you too... "

Akk grabbed his wallet and phone and locked the apartment door.
"Hey! What are you doing?....Are you a burglar?.... Dont act smart... "

Akk heard someone and turned back to look. There was a man who was trying hard to put a brave face and it was hilarious to watch.

"I'm not a burglar and I was locking the door with key." Akk tried to explain calmly. But the stranger didn't care

"It's my friends house don't give me the crap of you being his family or friend I know them all. So who the hell are you? And how on earth did you get those keys? Did you do something to my friend?... "

"Stop saying nonsense, dude for the last time I'm not a burglar I came to see ayan and staying at his place my name is akk I'm ayan's... Ayan's..." Akk hesitated to say boyfriend because he didn't know what ayan had said to his friends or did he ever mentioned him at all.

The stranger started to laugh. Akk was confused and questioning this person's sanity. Stranger started to speak
"You are akk THE GREAT BOYFRIEND of ayi right?"
After seeing akk's confused look the person continued to talk.
"I'm ping, ayan's friend. And I was just kidding with you. I heard a lot about you from ayi and he had shown me your photos too. Even ayan's mom spoke so highly of you last time so I just wanted to mess with you a little."

"Oh... Hi ping I heard about you to but didn't expect I would ever meet you like this. And don't you have classes? " Akk was delighted to know that ayan had told about him to his friends. Akk don't want to keep this a secret either but wanted to make sure they were on the same page.

"No actually I have few days off so I'm visiting my relatives who lives nearby. But where are you headed? " Ping was as lively as always. Although it was the first time they met it wasn't awkward at all.

"I'm going grocery shopping to nearby mart."as akk said this ping offered to tag along as he had some time before leaving.

After the shopping akk returned home and organized everything and as he had sometime before ayan would be back he decided to make it more special for ayi.

On the other hand ayan wanted to get back his place as soon as possible. After seeing akk's text and the way he said home made ayan's heart flutter. That was never a home to him as there were no one waiting for him at that place. For him home was more about his loved ones. Now his akk was here so he wanted to return to his home for first time in the past year he was excited to go back to his apartment. But universe was playing games with him the more he wanted to reach home he was getting delayed.

It is already evening the sun is setting down. Ayan opened the door and the moment he saw what akk had prepared for him his face lighted up.

Authors note:
Thank you for supporting me and I hope you will keep support me 💜
I think I will keep writing the story and won't try to cut it at chapter 10. I just feel I don't have to rush the story to end I feel it should end at a right knot.
And please tell me would you guys prefer some smut? or should I just keep it fluffy?

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