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It's time for akk and friends graduation. Everyones parents were there to celebrate their sons graduations. Ayan and his mom went to congratulate akk. They even bought two bouquets for akk. Along with them meen and ping were also there. Ever since ping's birthday party they were attached to each others hips. So when they said they started to date each other no one was surprised.

After ceremony was over everyone were busy taking photos

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After ceremony was over everyone were busy taking photos. Mes approached ayan and asked to take a walk with him. Ayan was surprised because they never really talked. The interactions they had was more like a verbal war over akk. So when mes asked to take a walk ayan was all over the places but ayan is not a quieter. He won't back down with out a fight so he was ready for everything.

"Aren't you afraid? I can easily hurt you." Mes said to ayan.
"You think it's easy but trust me it won't be" It was the first time ayan said such a thing to mes in his face directly. But mes was straight forward too
"I like akk..."
"Akk is my boyfriend who loves me, only me." Ayan said interpreting mes.
"Don't be so confidant I can make him mine... "
Ayan took a step forward towards mes who was looking at him. Time froze for a second no one backed down. Looking into each other as if they were going to kill the other. Suddenly mes left a small laugh and continued his words
"That's what I should say at these situations right? But I won't because I know I will never be more than a P' (brother/senior) or friend to akk. You know what hurts most I know he won't even make me your replace. Hate to admit you are not replaceable for him."

Hearing mes's words ayan got more confused. "What are you playing? Are you saying you didn't had feelingd for him?"

Mes took a deep breath and spoke "I never said that, all I'm saying is I'm not gonna fight anymore because I losed even before starting it."

"Why sudden change of heart?" Ayan asked in disbelief.

"It's not sudden I have been thinking about it for sometime now. I... I heard you guys talk at ping's birthday party.... I have always thought you guys fight alot and akk would be better with someone else who actually care about him and his feelings unlike you. But after hearing you talk that day made me realize you were the only one whom he Fought with on silly things you are the only one who he let to see his stubbornness. Where he treated everyone same you were special.

In the past when he talked about your fights and how unreasonable you can be I thought it would be better if he broke up with you but I never saw how his every sentence ended on you, I was too convinced by my thoughts that I never paid attention how there were not even a single day in which he hadn't mentioned you. Even when he was complaining about you he had a smile on his face"

After hearing what mes had to say ayan wasn't sure what to say anymore he was prepared for a fight but seeing how genuine was mes he couldn't say much.
"Why are you saying this to me now?

"you are the only one who knew about my feelings towards akk so I want to make things clear with you. Akk was there for me when I needed someone the most. He is irreplaceable in my life and my first love. I want him to be happy and his happiness is you, now when I know I have no chance I don't want to be a bother. You know our project won the first prize right? We won a scholarship to study abroad and I'm the one going." Mes said while looking at akk from distance.

"I won't lie after hearing you took the scholarship I'm pretty happy that you are leaving" Ayan said. He noticed how mes was looking at akk.

"That's pretty harsh! but I didn't expect anything less from you. I know I don't have to say but take care of akk.
And don't think you won't ever see me again I will be back in two years and I hope by that time I can be a good P' to akk just how he wants me to be." Mes said looking at ayan

"It won't be easy to forget your first love but I really hope you may find someone who loves you before next time we meet.
Although I don't want to say but just you know you are important to akk too. But don't expect any special treatment from me because I still don't like you." Ayan said his last sentence in a playful yet serious way. Which was kinda childish.

"Well... Well... I thought we were best friends now." Mes said in a sarcastic way. Both smirked at each other but there were smile on their lips which they hide from each other. Finally after days of dark clouds the sky is clear now. They weren't friends don't know will they ever be able to be one but finally they found a common ground.

Then suddenly akk came towards them as they were talking for a while. He enquired what they were talking but no one gave a clear answer. Then they went back to join others and tried to capture those moments as much as they can on camera.

Akk and kan got internship at their projects investerers firm as he was impressed by them. For namo he decided to join his father's business. Tua also got internship as teachers aid at a prestigious high school. Ayan was already doing freelance work and his band was also doing good. And mes decided to take the scholarship for further studies, as he think that would be better for him in many ways. As their university life got to an end they were all up for a new journey. As the young adults struggle to balance their personal and professional life a new season began.

Authors note:

I hope everyone is happy as your long term eyesore mes is finally gone (well not exactly). See you in next chapter, where we can meet some working adults.💜

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