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It's weekend so everyone decided to hang out at Akk's place. At the night by 7 everyone showed up at akk's. They started to casually chitchat while sipping beer. On the other hand kan and namo played video game which eventually led to more chaos.

"Kan is cheating....I don't want to play with him anymore." Namo who lost three rounds straight said while putting down his controller.

"Even a ten year old is better than you so don't try to accuse me... You immature kid." Kan said while making fun of namo.

When thua sensed this is going out of hand he interrupted as usual. Every time the boys bickers thua is the one stops it as everyone prefers to enjoy watching it.
"Don't start again. It's always the same drama, didn't we decided to hang out here because the club would be crowded? If you guys keep this attitude the land lord will definitely throw us out."

"No he won't do that to us,...he will only throw akk out." Namo's Statment made everyone lose it.

"Wow I'm leting you hang out at my place and you are planning to make me homeless. Now don't complain about why I don't invite you guys often." Akk said while sitting on a bean bag.

"But P'mes always gets to stay over here"
Namo said without thinking.
"Aa... Stop. Let's play truth or dare. Don't you know that's the best game to play when you are drinking alcohol." Wat said to gain everyone's attention.

Although everyone was not a fan of truth or dare but they eventually end up playing it. But here is an additional rule, that is everyone have to put their phones on table and if anyone gets a text or call they have to answer it in everyones watch.

Some time later akk got text on IG
"I arrived at Bangkok today.
let's hangout sometimes."

As everyone saw the text they started to ask questions
"Who is that? "
"Is it ayan? "
"Did ayan came back? "
"Why didn't he said anything to us"
"Did you guys make up?"

"STOP.. STOP IT. will you guys let me answer?" Akk shouted to stop the buzz.
And continued,
" It's not your friend ayan. It's his friend ping who I met when I visited US last time. He is one year older than us so he might have graduated and returned.
I'm telling you this for the last time I WILL NEVER TALK TO HIM and meant what I said. "

Everyone was clearly disappointed.
"You are just waiting for his call and ones he calls you will crawl back to him." Wat said with full confidence.

"NO I WON'T....  EV.." Akk couldn't finish his sentence.

"Dude you guys literally says this everytime you fight and it's as true as thua's love for me" As kan said it everyone started to make noise and started to act as if they gonna puke.🤮

As kan leaned towards thua with a pouty lips thua Hite kan on his head with out wasting a second.

"That hurts..." Kan said while looking at thua with puppy eyes.
"You deserve it." As thua saw akk laughing thua continued and spoke "don't smile akk he wasn't wrong about you and ayi."

"Common don't force him guys, he should do what he wants with his life. And you might not feel it as ayan is also friends with you but akk can have his happy ending with someone else too as long as he wants." P'mes said.

The mood suddenly changed and everyone was quite for a second. And to lighten the mood wat asked to continue their game as game went on everyone had a good time especially when someone cursed at namo for sending pickup lines through text. It was hilarious.

Bottle spin again and it's now akk's turn to pick. He picked truth as he didn't trust his drunk friends.
P'mes asked the question.
"You and that guy fights every two days in a week and it was fine at first as you guys made up as fast as that too. But now when you guys are taking more time to reconcile and are okay with out talking to each other don't you think it will be better to end it?"

Suddenly it was pin drop silent there everyone saw each others faces while akk seemed to be engaged in his own thoughts.
Wat said "this question is not fun, change it."

" I just want to know his thoughts and it's not like akk can't find anyone better. From what I have known he is not  mr.perfect." Mes replied.

Before anyone could say anything else akk spoke.
"I know.....
He is not perfect but neither do I. And most importantly I don't want someone perfect. All I ever want is ayan, Ayan Sukkhapisit who is hotheaded, outspoken and always bickers with me. That's the boy I have fall in love with and he is my one and only.
And I think it's okay to have fights in a relationship because if we have to hold back ourselves in front of each other then what's the point of being together? We fights all the time because we know we belong to each other.


"Oh.... Kan was already making me throw up and you are not helping it either bro." Wat spoke up for all the singles in that room.

"Does that means you are gonna call him and makeup?" Namo had to ask after all akk had a 180 degree change. Not gonna talk with him anymore to he is my one and only.

"No!!! why would I? I told you earlier that I won't talk to him ever, right?" Akk said while smacking namo's head.

Everyone sighed as akk didn't made any sense. And it was clear to everyone from the beginning that he is just being childish.

"Let's continue I didn't got a chance to pick dare yet. " P'mes said.

"You sure are daring. Let's see how long you can handle it." Kan said giving a stern look to mes. Kan had never doubted on mes's friendship towards them, but he never liked how he acts around akk.

After two more rounds and lots of beer it was mes's turn he picked dare and kan is the one to decide what will it be. Before he could say what is mes's dare he got a text. As it was on the table everyone saw it. Text was brief and it stated,

"I'm here."

everyone was curious but before they could ask anything thua said. "It must be the food I ordered. Can you go and fetch it? "

After what thua said no one asked about it and kan went out.

Authors note:

I told you I will never tear them apart. I'm a big softie....
And let me know your thoughts in the comments. 💜

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