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Akk seemed occupied with his own thoughts and it made ayan even more angrier. As they entered to their house ayan spoke "akk..akk!!! AKK do you have anything to say? "

"What? " Akk's mind was still clouded by his thoughts. When he saw ayan who was waiting to explode any moment. He remembered what he has done but before he could say anything his phone rang. Before he could see the dail ayan spoke again. "Ohh... Who is it? Another friend of you? Why don't you go on a date with him next time since you like to go dates with your FRIENDS" He really emphasised the word friends and with out waiting for an answer he went to his room and slammed the door. Bang!!!

"But... It's your mom" Akk said in a low voice because he was afraid of this version of ayan. Ayan didn't open the door akk had to spend whole night at leaving room. He couldn't get any sleep but he didn't blame ayan because he knew he would have felt the same if ayan acted like that way in front of others. But he kept silent so that he could talk when ayan is a little calmed down.

As he was thinking he remembered the cause what lead him to act like that. It was when Bob presented akk's idea as his own. After it akk was upset but he was kind of terrified of Bob. He didn't realize but the pressure of society was rubbing him bad. Everyones expectations felt more demanding the confidence akk had him in started to lack after he met Bob he really effected akk's mind. As had a lot in his plate he wanted to have a dream alike life with ayan and wanted to take care of his parents so the thought of Bob had the power over his future led him to hold back his dissatisfaction and he endured everything.

But after hearing what Bob did akk was quite upset that's when his colleague mark approached him. His words were comforting and gave akk strength to hold on. But akk was more startled when he said Bob had done this with an employee before akk joining them he didn't get punished because there were no evidence but everyone knew it. But it was worse that time because it was a girl who was in an open relationship with another girl and Bob was homophobic. And after hearing it akk was quite stressed out he could imagine what had she felt. Although mark tried to assure akk that everything will get better soon akk couldn't feel calm at all. Even though now same sex marriage are accepted by law people like Bob still existed.

When he saw Bob at street all of those thought hitted him. He wasn't ashamed of what he is not he regret being with ayan but he couldn't think straight that time. Everytime when things get hard akk thinks of ayan and when he saw a happy future with him he felt a strange strength in him to move forward. But this time he hurted the one person who he want to give all the happiness in the world. He didn't tell ayan about any of these because he didn't wanted ayan to worry about it.

Things were still clear although akk didn't told ayan everything but he sure explained his act in the past and what kind of a person is Bob. Ayan was understanding but he still felt that akk left some details but he wanted to trust akk with this.

Time went by and akk's team project was completed successfully so to celebrate it the CEO suggested a dinner. Everyone was their including akk and bob even the CEO. that place wasn't fancy but it was CEO's pick so no one dared to question. Aa dinner went akk noticed it was the place ayan's band performs and today they had a gig there. Akk wanted to go to ayan but he restrain himself as Bob was also their. Ayan didn't notice akk as it was crowded. Meen and others were on stage but after a while ayan joined ping at their table and started to drink.

Akk could clearly tell their situation was one of the reasons why ayan was drinking like crazy. And on the other hand Bob was pouring alcohol to akk continuously. But akk still kept glancing at ayan and that when he saw some random guy was accompanying ayan out he was clearly drunk leaning against the guy and ping was no were to be seen.

Akk couldn't think any thing he just rushed towards akk pushing others away. Everyone from his office was confused but he couldn't care less.
"What are you doing?" Akk asked the other guy
"What's your problem I'm taking my partner home." He replaid it was quite loud turning everyone's attention on them.

"Your partner! Last time I checked he had pretty good taste." Akk said while trying to pull ayan towards him but the other guy hold his hand tight and people were wondering what is all this.

"Akk!!! What are you doing? Why are you talking to these creatures" That was Bob's voice but at this point akk didn't care. No matter what or who it's always ayan who is akk's priority.

"Well sorry to make a scene but P' I don't know what you meant by creature but let me tell you this is the man I love and care for more than anything or anyone in this world. I won't let anything bad happens to him.
And as for you mister why don't we ask him who is what? " Akk said looking at the guy who was holding ayan's hand.

"Ayie.. Ayie... " Akk tried to wake up ayan.
Ayan still seemed drunk tried to open his eyes and identify the person.
"Is that you akkkk? " He asked for that asked a question in reply
" I'm but someone here want to know what is our relationship can you tell them.. "
"Akk is myyyyy wife..." Ayan might said that on purpose. In any other occasion akk would have put a fight to correct it but not today.

"I hope everything is settled. I will see you everyone in office thank you for the dinner. Now I will take my boyfriend home he needs me." Akk left. With ayan who was half asleep on akk's back as akk was giving him piggy back ride.

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