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"Why is it taking time? I'm hungry." Namo said looking at the door.

"You are always hungry when you are drunk namo." Mes stated.

"Oh I'm not drunk!!! I'm hungry cause It's diner time. " Namo stressed on the word dinner and looked at akk.

"Stop it right there I let you guys crash at my place even after knowing none of you will lend a hand to clean this mess tomorrow. But now you are expecting me to cook dinner! No way, In your dreams."
Akk spoke from his experience as this situation wasn't new to him.

"But you told us your mother left a lot of snacks to share with us, maybe you can bring some of them." Wat added.

Akk was done with this conversation and wat was right about the snacks so with out saying anything further akk got up and went to kitchen. He lived in a small condo with one bedroom. His place had an open kitchen which was visible from living area. As everyone saw akk getting up to get food they started to clean and made some space for the food.

Akk's mom usually brings home cooked items which have a long shelf life. And she purposefully brings a lot so her son can share it with his friends.

Mess saw akk was getting food he then went to help akk. Just when they were putting some snacks on plate kan opened the door and entered to the house.

"Didn't you went out to get food? Why are you empty handed? " Namo asked with curiosity as kan had nothing with him.

"Well I did get something. Which akk will love to eat." Kan said with a mischievous smile. At this point akk was confused and looked around. Others seemed as confused as him except thua he was smiling just like kan.

Kan was still standing by the door so akk walked towards him while saying
"Kan are you drunk? What are you saying?"

As he got close to the door he saw someone else walking into the frame. That person stood in front of the door with out entering to the condo. But everyone could see him as the door was open. Except mes who was at kitchen. As soon as thua, wat and namo saw that person they got up from their seats whith big smile.

"Won't you invite me inn?" That person asked akk while looking in his eyes.

Akk was stunned for a moment without being able to utter a single word. But the next moment he found himself hugging the person who was at the door step.

"I missed you... Ayi " Those where the only thing akk could say. His tears were falling.

Everyone went to greet ayan and then he entered at akk's condo. They didn't realise it but akk and ayan were holding each other's hands.

Ayan saw mes at the kitchen but didn't bothered to say anything mes did the same. The boys seated at living area and started chit chat.  Everyone had a lot of questions for ayan so they shooted it straight.

"How come you are here? "
"Are you on a vacation? "
"Or Did you take break from university? "
"Why didn't you told us about your visit?"
"Kan and thua knew right? "
"Did you miss your husband? That's why your here right?"
"And wh.. "

"GUYS... let him speak" Akk said as it was too chaotic there.

"Oh... Look at him. Who are you? What did you do to my friend who swore never to speak to Ayan again?"

Wat said to mock akk who was staring at ayan ever since he showed up. Before anyone could say anything mes placed food in front of them and sat down. He was sitting opposite of ayan so they were facing each other.

"Sorry P' I forgot about the food. " Akk said to mes. But before mes could say anything ayan spoke
"Akk, how can you let our guest do the work? Sorry P', he acts stupid at times. But now that I'm here, I will never let it happen again." Ayan said looking mes in the eye.

"You don't have to. I can do a lot more if it's for akk." There was a weird vibe but to brush it off mes continued and said "after all he is my friend. And you haven't been around him." And smirked.

With a smile ayan spoke " Well not anymore. I'm gonna stay by his side for forever." Everyone was confused and surprised.
"Don't you have one more year to graduate? Are you transferring?" Akk asked.

"Not really, actually when I was there all I wanted was return as soon as possible. So I worked hard to graduate early..." Ayan was saying but namo had to cut him. "Are you graduated already? "

"Yes." Ayan continued. "I wanted to surprise akk how he did on my birthday so I kept it secret. And I told thua and kan as I wanted some inner help besides them my mom and ping are the only ones about this."

"Why did you keep it from me, I'm not like namo I don't have blabbering mouth." Wat threw tantrum.

"But you can't keep secret from akk. And kan and thua comes in a package dude."
As ayan finished akk had another question for ayi.

" So you were avoiding me on purpose?"
"Not really, fighting with you was not in the plan but after that I figured it would be good for my plan if we didn't spoke for the time being."

" are good at hiding things from akk." Mes said looking at ayan. Suddenly the room was silent.

"Come on weren't we at the middle of a game let's continue. Or do you two want all of us to leave?" Namo asked with a cheeky smile.

"No let's play. Now that I'm here I won't back down." Ayan said but seemed like he was referring to something else.

"I have been waiting." Mes said out loud.

Authors note:

Hope you guys enjoyed it. Now what do you think is going to happen? And
What do you think about mes?
Feel free to comment your thoughts.💜

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